Fluffy's Journal

by thinker 9 Replies latest social entertainment

  • thinker

    There's been times when I've tried starting a personal journal. I usually don't have the patience to fill it out every day. But, with so many friends here to help out I think it work.
    So here's the start of a COMMUNITY JOURNAL. Just put down the date and add a thought or two. No replies required, just everyone's entry for that day.

    May 23, 2002
    Looking forward to tuesday's Dateline show. I know a few active JW's who'll be watching. Hope it goes off on time.

  • Celia

    May 23,2002
    Winter is over. I should feel better, depression should have disappeared. But I feel awful. My life is a huge pile of stones fallen from the wall that blocks my way. Where is the light ?

  • teenyuck

    May 23, 2002

    I posted a lovely, sarcastic comment on an E-mail from someone on Just JW...what fun.

    Then I posted many sarcastic comments to non-trios-triad...or what ever his/her name is....I love being sarcastic!

  • SixofNine

    May 23rd, 2002.

    I imagined what the rest of puffsrule's picture is like. Then I imagined what her name might mean. Then I took a shower.

    No response from Ashley Judd. Again. This is frustrating; I feel unappreciated.

  • Shimmer

    May 23rd, 2002

    Tomorrow is the last day of school for my kids. Looking forward to Summer break. Sleeping in, going swimming, going camping.

    I need a job, I have no money. I hate being poor!!


  • simplesally

    Dear Six,

    This is Ashley, I know I have been icognito on the db, but I just wanted to "view you from afar".... I wanted to get the input of the others more mature. I wanted to see how you treated me in front of others.

    Let me say, I have done that now. I have let your true colors show. So, my answer to all your flowery emails, your endless voice messages, the telegrams and even the flowers you sent to me on my birthday........my answer is : LEAVE ME ALONE, GET AWAY FROM ME AND STOP TELLING MY NEIGHBORS YOU ARE MY FIANCE! THEY DON'T BELIEVE YOU ONE BIT!

  • SYN

    23 May - Found nasty bug at work today. Turns out that the sizeof() operator in C++ actually includes the size in bytes of the VTABLE created automagically by the compiler when a structure or a class uses virtual functions - this caused infinite pain for me as code that compiled nicely on the PC didn't have the same bytesizes on the ARM processor that my code also has to port to. After much colourful language, I finally figured this one out. Nasty gotcha!

    Doom3 is making me drool all over my keyboard. Carmack is such a hype god. He knows just how to get his audience into a killing frenzy of expectation. 1 minute after the 98MB video was released, the queue for it on the stupid Fileplanet server had already hit 1K users, and was growing. Thank God I browse quickly. But it was still painful to d/l that monstrous file on a dialup, punctuated by the dread of a rogue packet causing a lost connection and losing me my place in that massive queue. Luckily it turned out OK.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • thinker

    May 24, 2002
    My JW friend tells me that the CO gave a talk Sun. The topics were "those dirty priests" and "keep away from lying apostates". My friend was probably the only one there who knew WHY the CO picked these topics (Dateline).

    Funny how she got the real scoop from us "lying apostates"

    Oh yeah, she also heard that all apostates left the Org. because they were "sinning".

    The teller at the bank yesterday gave me an extra $20. I made a special trip to take it back. Not bad for a lying, sinning apostate...

  • patio34

    May 24, 2002
    Am reading Combatting Mind-Control and Cults by Steven Hassan. Would love to send my JW son a notification of the Dateline show, but would probably put him on the defensive. Hassan's book warns about being too agressive.

  • thinker

    June 5, 2002
    MAY 24!!!!!...Well, I see you all aren't any better than me at keeping a journal. O.K.,...Here's today's fluff.
    Seemed like the hottest day yet this year. Humid too. I was covered in sweat by the end of the day. And since I was working with sand it had stuck to alot of my body. I felt like some strange form of human sandpaper! But on the way home, brushing stray bits of sand off; I remembered coming back from the beach and doing the same thing. And a hot shower at home really felt great.

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