Watchtower 1st February 1952 page 79

by ThomasCovenant 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant

    Watchtower 1st February 1952 page 79.

    God interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses Sam, Geoff, Steve, Gerrit, Tony, Mark and Dave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    King David approached God through the priestly organization represented by Abiathar, who had the ephod; and a servant of today must likewise look to Sam and Geoff etc (that's us by the way) for spiritual food that is timely and for directions in Kingdom service.

    You lot must show your understanding in these matters, appreciating your relationship to us, remembering the fate of those like Korah and Achan and Saul and Uzziah and others who forgot the theocratic order.

    Are you assigned as individuals to bring forth the food for the spiritual table? No? We are. Then don't try to take over our duties.

    You should eat and digest and assimilate what is set before you, without shying away from parts of the food because it may not suit the fancy of your mental taste.

    The truths you are to publish are the ones provided through Sam, Geoff and the rest of us, not some personal opinions contrary to what we have provided as timely food.

    Jehovah and Christ direct and correct us as needed, not you as individuals.

    If you do not see a point at first you should keep trying to grasp it, rather than opposing and rejecting it and presumptuously taking the position that you are more likely to be right than Gerrit or Tony.

    You should meekly go along with us and wait for further clarification, rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable to you and proceed to quibble and mouth your criticisms and opinions as though they were worth more than our provision of spiritual food.

    Theocratic ones will appreciate us and not be so foolish as to pit against Jehovah’s channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings.

  • ThomasCovenant

    God interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses the discreet slave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    David approached God through the priestly organization represented by Abiathar, who had the ephod; and a servant of today must likewise look to God’s visible organization for spiritual food that is timely and for directions in Kingdom service.

    11 We must show our understanding in these matters, appreciating our relationship to the visible theocratic organization, remembering the fate of those like Korah and Achan and Saul and Uzziah and others who forgot the theocratic order.

    Are we assigned as individuals to bring forth the food for the spiritual table? No? Then let us not try to take over the slave’s duties.

    We should eat and digest and assimilate what is set before us, without shying away from parts of the food because it may not suit the fancy of our mental taste.

    The truths we are to publish are the ones provided through the discreet-slave organization, not some personal opinions contrary to what the slave has provided as timely food.

    Jehovah and Christ direct and correct the slave as needed, not we as individuals.

    If we do not see a point at first we should keep trying to grasp it, rather than opposing and rejecting it and presumptuously taking the position that we are more likely to be right than the discreet slave.

    We should meekly go along with the Lord’s theocratic organization and wait for further clarification, rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable to us and proceed to quibble and mouth our criticisms and opinions as though they were worth more than the slave’s provision of spiritual food.

    Theocratic ones will appreciate the Lord’s visible organization and not be so foolish as to pit against Jehovah’s channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Note the codemnation of their own methods.

    *** w52 2/1 pp. 80-81 par. 13 Jehovah’s Theocratic Organization Today ***

    13 There are some who seem to dote on speculations. They love to be the talking center of little groups, voicing their theories on how or when this or that is going to happen. They may not be deliberately rebellious about what the slave provides, but if they can offer only what the slave has already supplied they do not stand out. How can they shine personally if they merely reflect what all others of Jehovah’s witnesses are reflecting? So they seek for something more sensational, for some “new light” to dazzle unwary listeners. As they feed the open-mouthed listeners their line of new theories, the listeners by their rapt attention feed the ego of the speculators. When someone else begins to do the talking and occupies the spotlight, the speculator loses interest in the conversing group and drifts on. These speculating ones may acknowledge that some of their past theories were wrong, but they do not show they have learned the lesson from these mistakes by refraining from bringing forth new theories. Their longing to be viewed as an independent and deep thinker is stronger than their desire to be theocratic.

  • Atlantis

    scan 10001 .




  • Atlantis

    scan 20001



    . scan 30001.




    Disgusting cult BS.. These were the writers who shaped today's ELDERS, COs, DOs, and future GB members. Is it any wonder the cult is becoming more insane.


  • tornapart

    Brilliant Thomas, it just shows the manipulation and control just by changing a few words here and there. I must admit to doing it myself whenever I have to sit through something at the KH. It keeps the eyes fully open to the mind control!

  • sir82

    As this article (and others) from the 1950's shows, the "obey, obey, obey" mantra that has been so prominent for the past decade or so is really just a repeat of the near-hysterical ravings from 60+ years ago.

    The 1950's was a period of growth and stability for JWs, even without an "imminent" date speculated for Armageddon.

    I sometimes wonder if some current GB members look back with fondness at that time, and are ratcheting up the propaganda to 1950's levels with the idea that "it worked before, maybe it will work again"?

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