How good are we at spotting propaganda and logic fallacies outside the religion of the JWs?

by cognisonance 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognisonance

    In the book Take Back Your Life, Recovering From Cults and Abusive Relationships, I think it mentioned that many often jump from one cult (or abusive relationship) to another, not being able to see the tell-tale signs with foresight, only hindsight. Therefore, I encourage everyone to take at least a cursory look at this report. What are your thoughts?

    Additionally, the following article may be interesting as well, precisely for not being propaganda: The Nightmare in Gaza.

  • jgnat

    Well, I sent the door-to-door salesman packing last night. The fool thought he could joust with me. He insisted I give the definition of "indisposed". So I called to my hubby who had answered the door (and was getting sucked in fast), to please get me a blouse so I could decently come to the door....

    The salesman apologized and quickly left.

  • OneEyedJoe

    well one thing seems certain. Whoever designed that flyer either has ADD or was designing for those who do. I gave up trying to read it through after the first page, it was just too much effort to follow the flow of text that jumped randomly around the page.

    As a rule, though, I'm pretty skeptical of anyone who wants me to sign up for something flaunting a free tshirt.

  • Oubliette

    My Thoughts: The linked report does not seem to have anything to do with your OP.

    Of course, I only gave it a cursory glance.

    I don't look long at anything that wants my time or money with nothing in return.

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