When "That Which Is Complete Arrives" -- 1 Corinthians 13:10 Closely Examined

by Littleleslie 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Littleleslie


    1 Corinthians 13:10 Closely Examined

    Paul stated the most intriguing words for us, that have had a lasting meaning for servants of God at presently, and more importantly will have an even greater, more profound one for us, once we come to understand the weighty implications of a hidden, yes Divine Disclosure through the spirit of God, when he penned the following words for us at 1 Corinthians 13:8-10. It states:

    "Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with."

    Looking back, the official position of the Watchtower Society on when "that which is complete to arrive", was mentioned for us back in the 1975 Watchtower magazine, pages 95-96, states in part:

    "...accordingly, the words 'when that which is complete arrives' must relate to the time when the prophecies of the Bible as well as God's will and purpose are fully understood."

    The articles continues:

    "We today are living in the time when 'that which is complete' is due to arrive."

    The article further states:

    "The physical facts in fulfillment of Bible prophecy confirm that Jesus Christ received kingly authority over the world of mankind in 1914 c.e. With that event the 'sacred secret' or 'mystery' of God was 'BROUGHT TO A FINISH.' in the sense that this event REMOVED the 'mysterious' aspect about this kingdom.

    Actually, such a statement as given above, is NOT a true statement. In fact, this statement is especially reprehensible, as regards their calling attention to the year of 1914, with all of the falsehoods and untruths surrounding this 125-year teaching, that have surfaced in recent years. (This particular article was written in the year of 2004.) Thus, there can be no doubt that the teaching of 1914 is indeed, an "artfully contrived false story" that first century christians were warned against. Yes, that cornerstone teaching of 1914 that the Watchtower Society and company has taught for 125 years. A teaching that first century Christians would never, ever have taught and preached worldwide, to "the most distant parts of the earth". Why? Because first century Christians were under the DIRECT OPERATION OF GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT , where no false doctrine could be pushed to that extent, alas, with Jehovah and Jesus Christ's approval. Whereas the facts reveal, Jehovah's Witnesses, it seems have been under the direct operation of the Watchtower Society, minus Jehovah's Holy Spirit, which regrettably has resulted in the fall and spiritual demise of countless 10s of thousands of innocent servants of God and persons of interest, worldwide when they finally discover the truth about the 1914 teaching. (For an indepth discussion of the teaching of 1914 please see article-link below.) - Please compare Acts 1:8 with 2 Peter 1:16.


    (For more information on this article, please CLICK HERE.)



  • zeb

    ".. Must relate to the time".. meaning guesswork?

  • Littleleslie

    Exactly zeb!

    I especially enjoyed this portion of the article, which drives the point home. It states verbatim,


    1 Corinthians 12:10 speaks of "Gifts of the Spirit" that have to be consider INSPIRED activity from God. It says:

    "to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesying, to another DISCERNMENT OF INSPIRED UTTERANCES ..."

    Statement of Fact: In considering the above bible text, those that are blessed with a "Gift of the Spirit" would have to be considered inspired of God. Isn't that true?

    Therefore, if interpretation of scripture is clearly shown to be a Special "Gift of the spirit" from God , then why do we (Jehovah's witnesses & ex-Jehovah's witnesses) insist otherwise? Why do we do this?

    Think about it!

    In other words, why do we UNINSPIRED people, continue to attempt to interpret Holy Scripture (inspired utterances) ... when God's Word makes it clear you can't do it, without his INSPIRED help .

    After experiencing over 120 years of FAILED bible interpretations on the part of the Watchtower Society, haven't we had enough of the disasterous results from this kind of activity, to reach that humble conclusion?

    Actually, we are very familiar with what is commonly retorted when asked about why Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that the "gifts" of the spirit are present today. When asked this question, they immediately refer one to 1 Corinthians 13:8 as proof that the "gifts" of the spirit have "ceased" today. But is that what the bible account is actually saying, I ask?

    Let's consider it together.

    "Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with..."

    Did you notice above, the words "gifts of" are in brackets within the New World Translation , published by the Watchtower Society? [Recent note: Newest New World Translation released the year of 2013 has removed the brackets around these words altogether...I wonder why?] That's because they are INSERTED WORDS by the translator, to enhance meaning. So the verse really , really, really didn't actually say "gifts" would be "done away with" or "cease," did it? Only, the Watchtower Society did. Think about it.

    But let's continue:

    "...whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially but WHEN THAT WHICH IS COMPLETE ARRIVES, that which is partial will be done away with ." - 1 Corinthians 13:8-10

    Clearly, the emphasis is upon "that which is partial," — partial as in "partial prophesying", "partial knowledge" and so on. Meaning, the first century congregation actually had a "partial" knowledge and a "partial" understanding of scripture. They even "prophesied" partially, as Paul said above. What this means is that:

      Their permitted understanding of God's Overall Grander Purposes was, yes, "PARTIAL", or limited. This was God's Will for them. Thus, this would invariably mean the great "Mystery of God", would continue or persist, as John realized when he got the vision of Revelation and was shown this. (Revelation 10:7)

    The Great Mystery of God...would persist...among Christians...until the "last days."

    But nevertheless, Paul did remind the first century brothers that "partial knowledge" would not always continue and that one day, Jesus' disciples would finally understand the fuller and grander purposes of Jehovah, in a "COMPLETE" sense. As when "THAT WHICH IS COMPLETE ARRIVES". So, when "that which is COMPLETE [as opposed to "partial"] should arrive, namely the "Spirit of the Truth" that Jesus spoke about at John 16:13-15, then that which is "partial", yes their PARTIAL UNDERSTANDING , their PARTIAL PROPHESYING (where prophecies were confined to a first century application only) would be finally, by Almighty God's permission, be DONE AWAY WITH or discarded . "Done away with" or simply discarded as being of no use anymore. To be viewed as totally obsolete and irrelevant as to modem day application of prophecy to the congregation, and events thereof.

    Therefore, the first century congregation were instructed to fully expect the discarding of "partial" things, so that when "that which is complete" was to arrive on the earthly scene, past "understandings" and explanations of scripture, would by God's permission, "BE DONE AWAY" with, thus leaving modern day disciples of Christ with a fuller, comprehensive understanding of God's Sacred Word. This explains why the book of Revelation points forward to the future wherein "new scrolls" would be opened for mankind's edification and enlightenment, and the old "partial" understandings of scripture and prophecy, would by necessity, and understandably so, BE DISCARDED to make way for "that which is complete" in UNDERSTANDING. Yes the "Spirit of the Truth." (Rev. 20:12)

    To prove this is exactly what Paul was referring to he went on to say next:

    "When I was a babe, I used to speak as a babe, to think as a babe, to reason as a babe; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the traits of a babe. For at present we see in hazy outline [Lit., "in obscure _expression." NWT ftn] by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At present I know PARTIALLY [Or, "I am taking in partial knowledge" NWT ftn], but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known." — 1 Corinthians 13:11, 12

    Paul revealed first century Christians actually had an "obscure", "hazy" unclear viewpoint of God's Overall Purposes. They only saw God's Grander Purposes, in a "hazy outline" fashion. So, the picture they had of God's Word was not quite so distinct, and clear as Paul admitted.

    And believe it or not, even now that "indistinct", "hazy", "obscure" vision of the scripture persists...even down to our day. Why? Again, it is because God's Will dictates it to be so until the advent of the "Spirit of the Truth," or "that which is COMPLETE" should "arrive."

    So then when we really think about it, actually what was promised to "cease", was not the "gifts" of the spirit necessarily , as the Watchtower Society teaches, no but what was promised to "cease" or be "done away with" was the PARTIAL or INCOMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of God's Prophetic Word found in the GREEK TEXT. Yes, the Greek Scriptures themselves or explanations thereof found in them, Paul actually showed was to be REPLACED one day , with a fuller, more complete understanding of God's purposes, wherein the Greater "Mystery of God" would finally be "finished," as Revelation 10:7 said.

    And additionally we are told, exactly WHEN the "partial" aspects of their understanding was to be replaced...when?

    Again, exactly when "that which is COMPLETE arrives," the promised "Spirit of The Truth" that Jehovah and Jesus would "send" to mankind to "guide them into ALL truth" and "declare the things coming" or the future to them. Where they would get the COMPLETE picture and understanding of things from God's Sacred Word. - 1 Cor. 13:10; John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13-15

    Even today, if one would insist that the "gifts" of the spirit have already "ceased" and are no more present among the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, then we can still ask relative to that thought: Has "that which is COMPLETE arrived" yet?

    And if the Watchtower Society's answer is yes, and they must believe "that which is complete" has arrived (as they do of course), then we must reason the Watchtower Society should have then, a COMPLETE and composite understanding of scripture, including that of all bible prophecy and the book of Revelation. And of course, they believe that too. But, most of us know for a certainty, that is NOT the case at all. So then if we believe that, we cannot say:

    "That which is COMPLETE" then, "has arrived," can we?

    And if we cannot say that, namely "that which is complete has arrived," then we cannot say for a certainty, that the "gifts" of the spirit have "ceased" either...

    (Link to article found HERE.)


  • Littleleslie

    Another IMPORTANT thought...(And this is for my son, who is stuck in JWs right now in grave danger, if he ever reads this.)

    How about looking at Revelation 22:18,19, here I will quote it for you:

    18 “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll." NWT

    When it comes to changing Jehovah God's Word, like in the case of 1 Corinthians 13:8, and as has been pointed out above now regarding the NEW 2013 NWT printed by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society that has been recently presented to over 7 million people in October of last year, what does Jehovah God Himself say about it?

    They (Watchtower Society & Governing Body) are through, with Him! That's for sure.

    To me, this information is absolute proof that JWs are dealing with the "Man of Lawlessness"!

    (For more information on "Man of Lawlessness" topic, please click this link: http://livingwatersforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=17 )

    If the Watchtower Society would go so far as to change the bible itself, as they have done, then they must be the "Man of Lawlessness." (2 Thess. 2:3-12)

    And I'm sure glad to know this.


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