Does anyone else watch 24?

by Mulan 9 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mulan

    Last night was the season finale for 24. It has been a very fast paced season, for all the characters. I was so upset that they killed Terry, but wonder if anyone thinks she might not be dead. It sure looked like she is, the way Jack carried on with her in his arms, instead of going for help. Any comments?

    I also LOVED the way Senator Palmer sent his wife packing! What a BITCH!!

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Elsewhere

    These are the days of our lives....

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Mozzer4Life

    24 definitely rocked that house last night....that is how prime time TV should be done. The supposed death of Terry was a bit of a suprise, but that might of been the hook that keeps us guessing till next season. I worry about the next season could it get any better? The show kinda reminds me of the movie Die Hard...all this crap happening to one person in the span of a's to the next 24...yippee kay-yea Martha Focker!

  • Billygoat

    Neil and I are die hard 24 fans. I think we've only missed one episode this whole season. Anyway, yes, Terry's death surprised me too. Just seems so wrong.

    My question is: Why do they call it 24 when the season just spanned 12 hours?


  • joenobody

    I felt some of the episodes in the weeks leading up to the finale were a little bit ridiculous. But I loved the fact that it wasn't a Hollywood ending, that Jack could only do so much and was unable to save his wife (I'm sure she's dead).

    I like how characters on the show aren't painted black or white.

    eg. Jack shows a vindictive side by his execution of the Drazens

    Mason was a jerk, a ladder climber, but at the same time did some good.

    Senator Palmer was very human in lashing out at his wife. I personally enjoyed that whole storyline as much as the main storyline. She struck me as some elder's wives I knew :)

    Apparently next season they might break it into 3 separate stories.

  • TR

    My wife and I love the show and we did watch the finale. AAAARRRRGHHHH! Jack's wife can't be DEAD! She just CAN'T BE!

    I loved the rampage Jack went on when the spy-slut Nina told him his daughter was dead, and I wished to Dog that he would have offed her when he had the chance, except they wouldn't find out who the big cheeses were.

    Yeah, I loved the part where Palmer shit-canned his wife. Just loved it.

    Anxiously waiting for the next "24 Hours".


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    i got sucked in early on, missed a few episodes in between, but definitely saw the finale:

    i wasn't surprised by the death of his wife, i expected that, nina couldn't leave any traces, and terry was a loose end, she heard her speak german and heard her say where she was heading off to

    palmer is amazing, it would be great if politicians where as honest as he is, i was so glad he dumped her, she has been nothing but a hemorrhoid throughout his campaign, it was the last straw when she went behind his back and leaked the news to the media risking his life with that breach, she had to go
    that was so classic when the secret service closed her off, too perfect

    waiting for the next season,
    will they call it 'the next day' or 'another 24', 'the 24 that follow', 'jack gets some sleep'? . . . this is bad . . . . i should really stop

    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

  • Mulan

    Billygoat, it was much more than 12 hours. I started watching when it was 6 AM, and it had been on for several weeks. I am sure it was a 24 hour day.

    I can't imagine how those people can survive such a horrible day. They can't do another 24 hour day like that one, and keep it believable. I think Jack will crack.

    It sure was a good show though. Looking forward to next season for sure.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • VeniceIT

    Ya it was deffinatly intense and the first time Kim did something smart. (did she irritate anyone else?? I really didn't care too much about her or Terri) I was hoping it wasn't Nina because I really liked her, oh well. I have two theories either Terri isn't dead, (just mostly dead) or someone else shot her, becuase Nina was talking to her when she left the room, she told her someone would find her soon yada yada yada, if she'd killed her then she wouldn't have talked to her, unless that was just for the audiences benefit. I think someone else is in there to 'clean up' after Nina but that's just my theory


  • saltiest

    OMG, we are completely hooked on "24" in this place and eagerly await next season. And yes, it was a complete 24 hours, with 24 episodes...I watched it from hour one.

    As much as I hated to see Teri, it makes sense. Next season, I imagine they'll have Jack and the gang hunting for Nina and whoever she's working for. Add to that the extra drive he'll have now because he'll be seriously pissed off. I am curious, though, if they'll mention anything about the child Jack would've just lost as well. Who knows.

    Nice to know there are others out there that were drawn to this show like us. I am so very happy the show is returning. :)


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