notional money of Jehovah's Witnesses

by runForever 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • runForever

    I use the word money here as credit. You are given alot of credits as a jw that are supposed to be worth something. But

    are your credits really worth anything? Let's see the things your jw money is backed by.

    Spiritual paradise.

    Upbuilding spiritual food.

    Brothers and sisters you can count on.

    Wonderful relationship with God.

    We all know these are the things promised but in reality you get love-bombed for a time. Then if you aren't in the in-club you are gradually sidelined

    then rapidly sidelined and noone cares as long as you praise the gb and promote this crap no one will give a crap about you.

    I know I got sold alot of jw funny money that will never be worth anything but can I get my real money from donations back??? hey at least you'd

    get some money back...

  • PaintedToeNail

    So right! My credits included: being known for hospitality-could be counted on to feed the speaker at a moments notice plus the intinerant regular pioneers who would pop in at supper time every week, knowing they would be given a hot meal, helping elderly ones with housekeeping, meals, rides to the hall, providing food to pioneer and elder schools, meals to families because the mother just had a baby (this wasn't supplied for me, however, definitely a one way provision), sacrificing spouse every other weekend because of RBC work, hall cleaning, infirm to doctor visits, loaning money to 'needy' overnight Bethelites and RBC personnel...the list goes on.

    Never being one who liked the field ministry I was a low hour publisher and not having a high-ranking elder in the family, I was routinely forgotten until someone needed something. Pity I can't get that back. Makes me feel used.

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