2014 Release: God's Kingdom Rules. - The Generation Game continues

by truthseeker 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I really didn't want to add yet another change to my generation chart I produced a few years ago, but on reading this chapter in the new book on overlapping generations, it ocurred to me that they really are trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

    How can the Governing Body really believe this? How can they expect any intelligent person to just swallow this without complaint?

    And yet, 7.5 million JWs will just eat this up as yet more proof that the "light gets brighter"

    It's got to the point where I feel the Governing Body are laughing at us. They must know the end game is near, yet they pull the strings of the faithful and keep them in expectation.

    I'm beginning to wonder now, after reviewing decades of doctrinal changes, that there isn't some unknown malevolent force at work that is deliberately manipulating hearts and minds with this garbage.

  • Londo111

    One can debunk the generation in about a minute's time...for those who need that long.


  • Jeannette

    I feel as though they are laughing at us too. They have got us brainwashed and mind controlled with these lies just to keep us going from door-to-door to collect money for them. This is a big scam.

  • Jeannette

    I feel as though they are laughing at us too. They have got us brainwashed and mind controlled with these lies just to keep us going from door-to-door to collect money for them. This is a big scam.

  • MsTruthSeeker2014

    Ok...I am DL my copy so I can read what garbage they are feeding the masses. I also wanted to know where i can DL a copy of the new Bible translation they have.

  • WTWizard

    There is a bad force acting on us--it's called joke-hova. That thing that people have been taught to respect at all cost--well, that thing doesn't respect us. Every Christian, Jewish, and Islamic religion is guilty of pushing stupidity on people, and it is because joke-hova is doing all it can to enslave us all. And using black magick to get us to believe Talmud, Torah, LIE-ble, and Quran as infallible--and abide by one or more of those foul documents. That thing also set up multiple secular and religious organizations to prevent anyone from bashing these foul pieces of literary trash.

    Of course, the jokehovians are more blatant about it than others. Their taboo against questioning doctrines is more blatant--they threaten with destruction if you look at other sources. Go door to door, believe everything that changes for the 900th time, waste time on boasting sessions, it's wrong to have money, sex is restricted, we are all born sinners, joke-hova (or jesus or allah) deserve credit for our hard work, and so on. The jokehovians are strict about it. However, it is also prevalent among the world--the ADL is to the secular world what the washtowel babble and crap slaveholdery is to the jokehovians. Political correctness, not questioning holocaust and Einstein, and trusting the Rockefeller system in our lives is to the world what faith and trusting in joke-hova is to the washtowel. The world is under the spell--just one single level outside the washtowel system.

    Maybe that's why it's so hard to break out of washtowel indoctrination. The same black magick used to enslave the world under the political correctness system is enslaving the jokehovians to the washtowel system, which is really a single step tighter.

  • quellycatface

    It's called "the Generation Game" without Bruce Forsyth.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    MsTruthSeeker2014. It should be on JW.ORG


  • Focus


    I feel as though they are laughing at us

    They sure are (or, in your case, "were").

    As a result of Olin Moyle and Walter Salter's stands against them, the "Evil Slave" Class was confirmed.

    But a far larger class, with millions of times more hapless members, is one they do not document.

    The "Great Crowd" of the "Stupid Slave" Class.

    For this, I have sentenced the G.B. to Theocratic Death.



    ("It doesn't stop with Disfellowshipping the G.B." Class)

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