Singapore's Pink Dot celebration

by fulltimestudent 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    A few years ago I had an opportunity to discuss the situation for gay people in Singapore with a gay Chinese man from that country. He told me that despite the fact that the Singapore government persisted in retaining an old British law that criminalised male to male sex, and that the government banned any normal method of protest, that gay people in this small (essentially just one city on a small island) had decided NOT to use western methods (i.e. as used by gay groups in western countries) but to basically use a large picnic to celebrate their sexuality.

    This was the first I'd heard of what has become known as Singapore's Pinkdot.

    Starting very small it has grown. This year some 26,000 QGLB&T and STR8 supporters attended.

  • fulltimestudent
  • fulltimestudent
  • fulltimestudent
  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    More gay rights stuff..yawwn..zzz

  • fulltimestudent

    What were Str8 Singaporeans saying about Pink Dot?

    Here's a well-known Sg blogger, Mr Miyagi (with his wife and child).

    Pink Dot is a family event

    He writes: I am hon­oured to have been invited to speak at this year’s Pink Dot as part of a new seg­ment called “Com­mu­nity Voices”.

    This is what I said:

    When I was in sec­ondary school I was among the for­tu­nate few to have friends who were gay. Some of whom I knew were gay before they knew or cared to admit.

    My father was the most con­cerned, of course, and told me he was wor­ried that I would get affected or influ­enced — in his own words, “you spend so much time with him, you become a gay then you know”.

    I said, “Pa, look at me, I can’t dress to save my life. I wish I could be influenced”.

    Then came National Ser­vice, the 2 and a half years that was meant to make men out of boys. Inter­est­ingly, it was also where I learned how brave my gay army mates were, and how they stood the tallest among the fight­ing men in my com­bat unit.

    Not only did they endure the phys­i­cal duress of train­ing, they took the insults — being called Chow Ah Kua, Bapok, Fag­got — any deroga­tory term for a gay man, daily. It was only after my unit became oper­a­tional that the tables turned somewhat.

    The best GPMG gun­ner was gay. 2 of my company’s best pla­toon sergeants were gay, and the guy that broke another soldier’s leg dur­ing unarmed com­bat was one of those Chow Ah Kuas.

    These NS boys were tor­tured and I can­not begin to imag­ine the tor­ment they must have endured, hav­ing to hide and deny who they were.

    Things are ever so slightly bet­ter these days. There’s this civic event right here that cel­e­brates and affirms the right to love, regard­less of ori­en­ta­tion, even if some peo­ple don’t, and even if there is an unjust and uncon­sti­tu­tional piece of leg­is­la­tion that doesn’t.

    My hope is that it doesn’t stop here. And I will sup­port this cel­e­bra­tion and affir­ma­tion until it becomes a right under the laws of this oth­er­wise dynamic country.

    I say this because my fam­ily and I count our­selves the luck­i­est peo­ple. It’s not because we prob­a­bly have more gay friends than straight ones. But it’s because many of our gay friends have shown us the abil­ity to sus­tain love above all man­ner of obsta­cles, objec­tion, ridicule.

    And more impor­tantly, they love my wife, my son and myself for who we are.

    We are with­out doubt blessed by their friend­ship, and our fam­ily can­not do with­out their love.

    I am glad that we are rais­ing our son amongst friends who share the same fam­ily val­ues. That two peo­ple can love each other regard­less of gen­der, gen­der iden­tity or labelling.

    If this is the “gay lifestyle”, then my fam­ily and I will whole­heart­edly pro­mote it.

  • fulltimestudent

    Janice Koh is a Singaporean stage and TV actress. She was also chosen by the Singaporean Parliament to fill a vacancy in the Parliament.

    She's married with two children.


    This is part of her speech at Pink-dot.

    June 29, 2014 at 4:07pm
    I’m standing here today as a Pink Dot ambassador because I want to stand in solidarity with all my LGBTQ friends and family, and the LGBTQ community.

    Many of you are my childhood friends, my mates from school, fellow artists, collaborators and colleagues. You are my hair, make-up and fashion counsels, close confidants, trusted teachers and mentors. I am not just your straight ally. I consider you part of my family, and I want to you to know that I love you, I accept you, I support you.
    This is my commitment, and this is my choice.
    There are some things in life we don’t have a lot of choice over.
    We can’t choose the colour of our skin. We can’t choose the family we are born into. We can’t choose to be tall or short, right or left-handed, just as how we can’t choose to be born male or female, gay or straight.
    But I believe there are many things in life that we CAN choose.
    We CAN choose to embrace and treat our fellow human beings, including our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, equally, and with kindness, dignity and respect.
    We CAN choose to raise our children to be secure and confident in who they are, and to teach all our young ones to be compassionate and accepting of those who are different from them.
    We CAN choose to be big-hearted and open-minded as a society, one where every Singaporean -no matter their race, language, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity– can feel included and feel a part of this place we call home.
    Let’s choose to listen instead of judge. Let’s choose to be one united people, instead of being divided. Let’s choose to open our hearts instead of closing our minds.
    Pink Dot is more than just about LGBTQ issues. Pink Dot is special because it reminds us of our common humanity. It reminds us of the need to show compassion to our fellow man, which is the foundation of a plural and multicultural society like ours.

    So, thank you, each and everyone of you, for being here today to form this Pink Dot. Thank you to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters for your courage, and for standing up and being counted; to our straight friends, allies and families for your show of support and solidarity; and most of all, to the organizing team and volunteers of Pink Dot for bringing us together in the spirit of love and celebration tonight.

    Change begins with us – it begins in the small places close to us – in our homes, in the streets where we live, in our schools, in our workplaces. Each and everyone of you is an ambassador, in your own way, simply because you are here. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Something that strikes me as bizarre is the Muslims wearing white as a silent protest of this event.

    After watching the news for years and seeing Muslims slaughter each other, even Muslim rulers using chemical weapons to kill the Muslim children in Syria, these self-righteous people decide that it is important to protest this pink dot celebration? Now Muslim terrorist organizations are plotting to carry out even more attacks on the rest of the world.

    Are these Muslims planning any kind of protest, silent or otherwise, to try to end the Muslim bloodthirst?

  • fulltimestudent

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite:

    the Muslims wearing white as a silent protest of this event.

    Haha! Billy, U don't get it do U? Bloodstains look so dramatic on white clothing. You can clearly tell where the bullets have entered the bodies of the dead.

    Are these Muslims planning any kind of protest, silent or otherwise, to try to end the Muslim bloodthirst?

    Don't hold your breath, mate!

    But, please note that Christians do precisely the same thing. They yell and scream about sex, and quietly go off to kill someone when their government tells them to do so, and then boast about being patriotic.

    My GAYXJW friend maintains that there are better things to do with men, than trying to kill each other.

  • Freedom77

    Love Mr. Miyagi's comments. Awesome straight ally.

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