Early Days

by QCA1 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • QCA1

    Does anyone here think the JWS or rather the Watchtower started off in those early days as genuine religious teachers and only became corrupt when Rutherford took over as president.


  • NameWithheld

    Nah, I think 'ol Russel was a religious entrepreneur himself. He was not the saint that the JWs make him out to be. He was pretty much a crackpot too.

  • the follower
    the follower

    I will not hear of it - Rutterford was de man.

    I is often thinking how we had better go back to his big cape.

    He was surely right about the higher powers and all dat otter stuff yous moderns is rejecting. Maybe ye shall repentith of thine sin and suffer Him into thine heart.

    Rutterford called us witnesses and this art we - saith ye that this is not so? If it were not so, woe be to me and woe be to you and woe be to them too.

    You think that because Rutterford was mad and drunk that he came up with no good ideas! I is not trying to remind yous that the great crowd cames about in the year 1935 according to our lord. What is you thinking about that?

    What is you thinking?

  • SYN

    Well, old Russel boy used the Organization to sell Miracle Wheat, amongst other things, so the answer is NO!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • RR

    Yes, I believe the Society started out right but was corrupted by the likes of Rutherford and other.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • larc

    Mr. Follower,

    Yes, Rutherford had some wonderful ideas. Some of his best are Beth Sarim and Beth Shan. Some of my other favorites are the fullfilment of Revelation by the Cedar Point conventions. Also, the prediction of rapid transit and the radio are right up there on my list as well. His prediction that Germany would win WWII with the backing of the Catholic Church is good stuff too.

    I also think it is a real good thing that Rutherford lived in NY, and his wife and son lived in California. That is in the Proclaimers book, brother.

    See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

  • garybuss


    I am not aware of any evidence that Charles Russell took action to deliberately hurt someone. There are volumes of evidence of the Jehovah's Witnesses leaders as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses members hurting people on purpose.

    A mistake I initially made was confusing the Bible Students with the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Bible Students were effectively purged in 1917. The ones who tried to stay were defamed and their fellowship was taken from them by the Society appointed service directors from 1919 to 1932.

    The move to a devious high control political oriented group began when Rutherford effectively stole the assets and installed himself as owner.

    If the Bible Students of Russell's day were anything like they are now, they were honorable, kind, sincere people. I am proud to have met with them and I am proud to know all those I have met.

    I have quoted excerpts from Russell's work myself in my own attempt to discredit the current Watch Tower Corporation, or whatever name they are using to do business these days, but I have found the writings of Russell, or Rutherford for that matter, are not necessary to discredit this present leadership. They are doing a fine job of discrediting themselves.

    The Bible Students do not focus on themselves at all like the Jehovah's Witnesses do. Nor do they search for new ideas to print to make money to build more hotels and factories.

    The Bible Students do not discourage or solicit diversity of opinion. It is accepted without threat and open discussion is encouraged. To my knowledge they do not practice shunning at all on a group level. Some with more experience may comment to this.

    In my opinion, any who join the Jehovah's Witnesses without being fully informed is a fool. And any who join after being fully informed is without doubt a complete idiot.

    Happy spring to all.



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