The Lesson of the Iceberg

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The most dangerous part of an iceberg is the part you cannot
    see. However great the visible part may be, remember that it
    only exists visibly because a MUCH LARGER body of ice is hidden
    beneath the waves.

    Think about the Watchtower organization: You still have big
    assemblies with enthusiastic clapping and lots of congregations
    with zealous publishers. However, reports are exposing child
    sexual abuse, growing malaise, corruption among elders, and
    teenagers living "double lives" as a matter of course.

    These problems, while visible, are likely to be nothing more
    than the visible tip of the iceberg - the reality is probably
    far more profound. It will be interesting to see if the Dateline
    program creates a response of exposed horrors for the Society
    to try to surpress. Just anecdotally, my experience as an elder,
    in casual conversations privately, suggests that incidents of
    hidden child molestation may be quite common in congregations,
    simply because of the intensely secretive nature of the organization.

    Like the part of the iceberg, you don't see.

    I also wonder how much hypocrisy and "double lives" the
    organization can endure without cracking up. Young Witnesses
    are leaving, almost en masse - often after hiding years of
    private sexual activity or smoking dope. The adults are preaching
    Armageddon soon! - while worrying about their private pension plans
    for retirement.

    Hypocrisy can go on for centuries. It doesn't have to destroy
    any organization - unless it gets exposed that everyone does it
    and everyone knows that everyone is doing it.

    When (and if ) that mass perception emerges,
    the game may be over - like Communism.

    This organization and its fate will probably be the most
    fascinating study in sociology you will ever encounter in your
    lifetime. Stay tuned...


  • Satanus

    Geez, that would be a hell of a mess! I wonder how many jws who were my 'friends', and who automatically started shunning me, i would reaccept as friends, if they wanted to be friends again. Very few, i think.


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    When is Cnn Dateline going to air the program on Silent Lambs? I believe the stories because my little sis was abused by her father. He was disfellowshiped and we, the family, were prohibited to go to the authorities. We were told that Jehovah would take care of it within time & that we didn't want to bring any kind of reproach on Jehovah or his organization. THey also told us that these cases are very hard to prove true in court.

  • coffee_black

    The story is tentatively set to air on May 28, on NBC Dateline.
    Not CNN.
    so sorry to hear of your terrible experience. There are many with similar experiences. It's time for it to be exposed.


  • dmouse

    Greetings Oveja

    Sorry to hear about your little sis. The way you were treated sounds pretty typical. Check out the 'Silentlambs' link at the bottom of the page and share your experience with thousands of others.

    How long did you read this site before you posted? Tell us a little about yourself please.

  • SYN

    Well, whatever happens, it's going to happen extremely slowly. You've got to remember that there are many people how simply are incapable of thinking about any alternative to being a Dub - they are so highly programmed that their entire mind has come to resemble a Watchtower publication. All those years of drivel from the speakers, all those years of repeated indoctrination, over and over again, have had their effect. You are dealing with a powerful mind-meme here. Our only hope is the youngsters in whom the virus has yet to take - fortunately they're leaving in droves right now. Thank God.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • one


    "This organization and its fate will probably be the most
    fascinating study in sociology you will ever encounter in your

    We are very good students and this alrady proving more interesting than Jim Jones Guyana or Waco cases. MOre diverse...

    "Stay tuned..."

    What channels?

    I have seen corruption in jw/wt since i can rebember.
    Then i left based on my own conclusions. I read Ray's book more than 10 years after it was published, i did not know about it. I told him a whole bunch of people could TIMELY benefit from more publicity about his book. I have place a few in libraries, and thinking on the matter.

  • Francois

    Great original post and replies.

    I think the problem is even worse. There's the rest of the iceberg that the public doesn't see. Then there's the rest of the iceberg that the elders don't see; they're not properly trained to see it.

    Years after I left the Borg, I ran into one of the young women that had been in my congregation. She was all grown up. And beautiful. And intelligent. And had excellent taste in men. We lived together for six years. During that time, we discovered that she had Multiple Personalitiy Disorder. It was horrible beyond belief.

    MPD is the result of a child's coping mechanism being totally overwhelmed. Being sexually assaulted by a grown man when you're six years old, for instance. She had been sexually exploited by several people, not the least of whom were a pair, a married couple, of special pioneers in a congregation up the road.

    I remember those times in the congregation. I remember the elders waxing eloquent about the dangers of going roller skating with other young JWs in a near-by congregation. Dangerous. Risky. Might run into worldly people. Might get drawn into "unclean" activities. You know, like having a beer. Experimenting with cigarettes. Dancing.

    At this same time, this young girl was being used as a full-fledged sexual toy by the referenced special pioneers. There were signs. Her father was a drunk and a Demerol addict; likewise her mother. They farmed all their kids out to this special pioneer couple each weekend so they could spend it strung out on drugs. Desire + opportunity = Let's use this little girl as a blowup doll.

    The elders saw nothing, nothing. And, like Sargent Schultz, all sorts of shenanigans were going on right before their eyes. And they saw nothing.

    Letting these dull-witted, untrained, rednecks who couldn't adjust a water heater watch out for a congregation, especially its children, and to "adjust" the thinking of its members is just asking for trouble. And now that trouble is going to blow up in their faces. The mountain is rumbling. The explosion is coming. The few recent cases are the tip of another iceberg, one that will financially ruin the WTBTS. The legal profession is going to notice all this, they will be sharks in the water. One look at what's available about the assets of the society, and what the court forces the society to expose about its financal position in discovery, and even more sharks will get in the pool.

    Ain't it great? The pond-scum of the legal profession meets the pond-scum of religious cults. I'm getting out my popcorn and Cokes. This is going to be fun to watch.


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