Cincinnati/Columbus To Silent Lambs Vigil in KY

by Hyghlandyr 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    Ok there is a candle light vigil and a news conference on friday for that Bowen is organizing in Kentucky at his congregation. A couple of us talked on another thread about going. Ive got a few friends, non-witnesses, who are goin down with me. We will be leaving early friday morning as we wont be staying in a motel overnight.

    If anyone else is going and would like to arrange a couple of car groups, let me know. Or just email me.


  • sf


    I do not have to tell you how important it is for you to get this on film somehow, someway and bring it back to yahoo. Also, Randy can put it on 'randy tv'.

    Happy trails and do me proud out there baby!!

    Oh, and please, light a few candles for me...

    Too many 'lambs'!

  • Hyghlandyr

    Not to worry Turls. I will be taking two camcorders I hope and my Mavica digital camera. I have to get some floppy disks so I can get plenty of pictures. I will put most of them of for yall to see.

    Last call...anyone goin besides me and bobsgirls family?

    I will be taking robert and mark and my neices.

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