At what point is it meddling?

by Deleted 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deleted

    The reason I ask myself this is that there is a sister and her adult daughter at kh I went to that went through this:

    - Grandfather molested his daughters
    - Grandmother knew
    - Grandfather molested at least one granddaughter
    - Daughter blocks it from her mind until her own daughter goes through flash backs (shortly after getting married) of grandfather molesting her (granddaughter)
    - Daughter broke down into a number of personalities (such as a sobbing child, a teenage boy, a little girl)and went to see a witness shrink who specializes/d in molested JW women (I swear I am not making this up, I know the bros last name and the elder who told me this said there were 12 cases of abuse)
    - Grandfather at his kh 200 miles away "lost his priveleges" for 6 months I believe and that's all - presumably due to the need for two witnesses. At the time the husband was very upset that nothing was done to the grandfather. Most people knew. In fact the sisters took turns sitting with the daughter during the day for several months. It was like the movie Sybil.

    All the family are still in the organization, at least to my knowledge. I have sent the daughter emails about the current reports of atrocities - I get no response, which I expect. I was even thinking of tracking down the daughter's sister who wants nothing to do with the jws, because of her father I heard that she thought the jws condoned it. This is a pretty meek family. I can't see them standing up and saying NO! and be damned with the disfellowshipping.

    I want to do more. But what can I do? When is this meddling? I think about this frequently. It was part of my high watermark of life as a dub.

    I recall one day one of our few kindly elders matter-of-factly saying to me that she (the daughter) should rely on Jehovah and not see a psychiatrist. That was also the day when I knew I didn't want to be an elder (I was in the running, so to speak) and be responsible for what that role would be. I couldn't see how relying on Jehovah could make that mother and daughter well. It looked like it would take years of therapy and how could the grandfather get away with this most vile indignity, not the least the grandmother being aware of it. What a breach of family love!

    That day was the high water mark of my JW life. That was 1/5/95 but I wasn't really out until 1/5/99.

    Very best wishes to Bill, Barbara and the Pandelo family and the other good souls who are willing to say this must end and bring their past to light to show how this pattern is within the fabric of this organization.



    Glen who once was Deleted.

    All along, the Watch Tower
    Told a pack of lies
    Broken lives and promises
    So much wasted time

  • Satanus

    Sexual molestation is criminal. So what would you do if you and a few other people knew the same man had murdered a few people?? The answer is simple. Or do you want to plead a nuremburg?


  • Francois

    Deleted, welcome to my world. I have been through exactly the same situation, but with the added feature that I was living with the young woman who, as it turned out, had Multiple Personality Disorder as a result of molestation by not only her grandfather but also by a married couple in a nearby congregation who were also special pioneers.

    There are NO recorded cases of spontaneous recovery from MPD. Jehovah ain't gonna do anything about this. Only INTENSE psychotherapy will have any effect. And there may well be many more personalities than you now know. Understand that these personalities did not just now develop. They were developed at the time of the abuse. But since this is a secret disorder by its very nature, it's very normal for it not to be discovered until years later when the woman gets married, or has a child reach the same age as the victim was when she was abused.

    This is a very serious situation. As the alternate personalities become more frank in their manifestation, the presenting personality usually becomes disabled; fully, completely, totally disabled. My partner had to go on disability insurance for over six years.

    I went through this for the six years. There's so much to say and to present for your consideration it far exceeds how much I want to type. But you should be aware that this phenomena is now in what is called the "emergency stage," and anything can and will happen. This truly is an emergency. You are in the position of the good Samaraten. Your informed actions could not be called meddling. You are in a position to do MUCH good.

    Please contact me via email. I will give you my phone number and we can chat about this situation. The husband needs to know what he's in for. Any chance of speaking with him? This is going to be difficult, and that's an understatement of magnificent proportions.

    Also, look up the Sidran Foundation on the Internet. It's an organization for people suffering MPD, or DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) as it's now called. I think the url is

    Whatever you do, please take some kind of action. Suicide is common with this disorder. And I can guarantee you that there is an alternate personality who IS VERY suicidal. FAST, man, fast. Get in touch. You may be the key to this young woman's survival.


    P.S. Note to Governing Body. See what you bastards have spawned? You need to be expunged from the face of the earth like the parasites you are.

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