Does It Make You a Hypocrite If You Don't Take Care of Your Own?

by Iown Mylife 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    There was a big, huge family with everyone in the Truthiness and they were pioneers or elders and just prominent in the limelight, okay, and most everybody knew them in the congs around here. They were always everywhere you went, preaching the kingdom, oh brother. You couldn't get away from them without being blatantly RUDE, you know the type? Okay they are all going to be in the new system, that's certain.

    So, being away from the whole dungheap for quite a while, i hadn't heard anything about their doin's, until today. An x-jw we know, volunteering to help the elderly, asks if we know john doe, because he starts witnessing to her. So she knows he's a jw. OH YES, we know him! and his whole family, who have been inviting people to join the WT organization for years, telling them how great it is to have so many friends and how these friends all take care of each other in need.

    They are so busy inviting people to join their miserable organization that they can't pay any attention to their own elderly father.


  • Heaven

    Yes, I would say that if you cannot practise what you preach, then you are a hypocrite.

  • Watkins

    Mark 7: 6 And He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:

    ‘ This people honors Me with their lips ,
    But their heart is far away from Me .
    7 ‘ But in vain do they worship Me ,
    Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men .’

    8 Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.”

    9 He was also saying to them, “You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. 10 For Moses said, ‘ Honor your father and your mother ’; and, ‘ He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to [ d ] be put to death ’; 11 but you say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, [ e ] given to God),’ 12 you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; 13 thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”

    Jesus' words are spot-on, right?


  • Loi_241
    Yes, it is hypocrite. They believe that One activity: preaching is good enough for salvation. But really, add to hand-help is accepted by Jesus Christ.

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