August KM: 100 year of Kingdom rule + adverse JW.ORG

by Gorbatchov 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    The August KM left me stunned. In the mast head it connects 100 years of Kingdom rule via J.F. Rutherford famous "Advertise" to the special campain in october for the website JW.ORG.

    How low can we go?!?

    It's a great marketing trick to make a 100 year failure a huge succes with using simple minds gadgets, the tablet.

    Our friends at Brooklyn have to be nominated for the Nobel price of Marketing!

    They are masters of spin. And 7 milion rank and file are walking behind these marketeers.

    I'm for sure, there is a real power behind the old man of the GB. It's a one way money transfer.

    Please my dear lord, why are these people blind to see?!?


  • sir82

    JFR's "Advertise advertise advertise" campaign was so urgent in 1922 because he guaranteed, in writing, Armageddon would start in 1925.

    You'd think JWs would want to forget the whole episode.

    But since JWs only believe what the organization tells them about their own history, virtually no JWs know that, so the 1922 "advertise" campaign is trotted out at least annually as an example of how to be "zealous".

  • KateWild

    Here's a copy if anyone wants to see it!112&app=WordPdf

    It's pure twisting false prophecy, and insighting zeal. Such sickening indoctrination. Trying to convince JWs they are living in a special time never seen before, 100 years of kingdom reign. AAAHHhhh such nonsense.

    Kate xx

  • sarahsmile

    Thank you Kate! That helped.

    Right on the front page! King and his kingdom!

    Rutherfords campaigns were rallys against basically the Catholics. I was surprised how violent the JWs were with there canes.

    The KM sure is pushing retirement homes! Elderly.

    I guess they will do anything to get their bible studies numbers up! Just had to laugh about it!

  • Watchtower-Free

    Armageddons coming real sooooon now Run

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