Facing old age

by teela(2) 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • teela(2)

    Having just past 50 I have been reflecting on my childhood with the witnesses. The people I grew up with who are the same age with elderly parents some still alive.

    I tend to have a positive attitude but I realise that for me this is it. I enjoy life have good friends, employment and a loving husband. When I see a j dub I grew up with I feel a sadness from them. I am a reminder that all the things that were promised have not occurred, that when they mention the resurrection/armageddon I just smile and change the subject.

    Its seems that there faith is all they have to cling to and that time is making them look foolish. They are old and have not grown with time in terms of education, wealth and developing true unconditional friendships. I used to think this may create a ciris of faith for them but its all they have and if they do start to queation there beliefs it means they have wasted there lives.

    Do you have contact with an elderly JW? how are they dealing with aging?

  • LisaRose

    My mom passed away in her late seventies, if she had doubts, she did not express them. Three months before she died she told me she couldn't talk to me any more because she wanted to die with a clean conscience.

    Old JWs gambled everything on their faith, I doubt they ever admitted even to themselves that they picked the wrong horse and lost the bet.

  • prologos

    There is probably more 'double insurance' among the believers than is admitted. even among the GB members.

    Many are of course disappointed that the BIG BET , PRADISE NOW, is not happening, but so what??, we had a confortable life, power, sex, money.

    it is the down and out,- totally committed, $45 a month special pios, from poor families. not worldly wise, postponing childbearing past menopause --true believers that are to be pitied, yet often dying with their dignity intact. immobilized by their spend energies, bodies.

  • prologos
  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    You will all laugh. Im 35. I have acepted that the following years are DOWN and not UP lol.

    However I will never let my son belive this. In fact I DO plan to read some parts of the book of bibles stories. With Mother goose too..

  • villagegirl

    HowTBWC - 35 is not old - you could start now from scatch and have

    teaching credentials and a Masters by 40 and work 25 years making

    $80,000 a year and retire on 80% of that in pension. There is much you

    can do in the next few years to change the rest of your life, and you will

    probably live to 80 years old so thats another 45 years.

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