Question: Could The WTS Be Following A Model?

by metatron 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Could there be any sort of model for the Watchtower to imitate in regard to its planned final structure?

    Is there any example out there of a church organization with a 'bishop' with absolute authority to appoint elders/pastors and that has good donation flow?

    Would the Legal Dept. change the Organization piece-meal or would they move towards some successful model of a religion?

    Many of them at HQ might not even realize it, if some final structure/model was intended. Their consultants might just gravitate in a certain direction.

    While they may have been inspired by the Mormon family night, I can't see that the Watchtower can continue as an open hierarchy - they don't have the cash reserves or political help to maintain that.

    If we want to know more about where the current changes are headed, I think this train of thought might point the way.


  • Vidiot

    metatron - "Could there be any sort of model for the Watchtower to imitate in regard to its planned final structure?"

    Same model that any authoritarian regime in decline follows (history repeats itself - or at the very least, rhymes - over and over again).

    Damndest thing is, every single one of them believed they would be the exception and prevail, and every single one of them was wrong.

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