Strange happenings

by Laika 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Laika

    When I was on the train this morning I spotted that the guy stood next to me in the rush hour crush was reading the daily text on the JW app.

    I paid little attention and went back to reading my book (catch-22 - thanks frazzled ) and when I next looked up I spotted that the same JW had flicked over to watching a video of a woman giving birth.

    I kid you not. I'm also skipping breakfast, and maybe lunch.

  • KateWild

    LOL! that was strange. He might not have even been a JW, who knows. Kate xx

  • DesirousOfChange

    He might be a proud new papa or a med student.


  • Laika

    That's what I guessed Doc, but what a place to watch that video!

  • Clambake

    I remember one time this two guys came into our KH one Sunday morning just dressed in jeans and t-shirts. They were first nations people. Kind of rough around the edges but not total dirtballs.

    Somehow during the study the subject of proper Christian attire came up and she piped up “ YOU KNOW, GOD HAS A DRESS CODE “. I started to laugh. What a bitch.

    They walked out, never to be seen again. Usually they wait till they have sucked you into the cult before they treat you like shyte “.

  • Vidiot

    Clambake - "Usually they wait till they have sucked you into the cult before they treat you like shyte."

    I really think that these days, on some unconscious level, more and more rank-and-filers don't actually want new ones to come in.

    Makes their club feel a bit more exclusive.

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