Interesting Experience when Being Around - Former Friends / Current Witnesses

by LAWHFol 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LAWHFol

    I am not DA or DF, however anyone that Knows me, is Aware of the Fact that I'm an Apostate. I help my Witness Dad, in his Business Two Days a Week, the Business is in a Public Place, where Witnesses often visit.

    Recently some Witnesses, from my Former Congregation, have visited my Dad, (Not Knowing, that I would be there). Yesterday a friend of my Dad's came to Visit my Dad, and as he Approached I Said "Hey Fred, how are you?" he was a Bit Surprised to see me, and Didn't recognize me, since I have a Beard now. I shook his Hand, and greeted he and his Daughter. Fred is someone that I've always liked and Respected,and while he did not "Shun" me as many do, there was a Thickness in the Air, as he spoke with my Dad.. It was a very awkward moment, and such an Unnatural Experience, for me. I have experienced the Feelings when being around someone that I do not like, or that does not like me, that is natural.

    However being around someone, who was/is a Friend, but Is uncomfortable by my Presence, simply due to a Religious Doctrine, is Just Unnatural..It's a Very Unfortunate Experience, Indeed. The fact that anyone can make Decisions for anyone else, and enforce these Decisions is a Shame.

    I can't wait until the Day that this Organization crumbles, and is Exposed for It's Blasphemous ways.

    All of these friends and family who have Shunned or Judged My Wife & I, will come to us Humiliated and asking for Forgiveness.. I can't wait for the Opportunity to Forgive them, and Welcome them back as Friends, and give an Example of What it is to Treat a Fellow Human with Dignity & Respect, without Prejudice or Pride.


    I can't wait until the Day that this Organization crumbles, and is Exposed for It's Blasphemous ways.

  • iwasblind

    Didn't you know that beards are demonized because Papa Smurf had one :-)

    Hardly how Jesus would treat someone. Sorry you have had this experience.

  • stuckinarut2

    yes...very tragic!

    sorry you have been treated this way.

    It shows the difference between Conditional friendship and Unconditional friendship.....

  • sparrowdown

    Prejudice, bigotry and hyocrisy are what JWs specialize in.

  • Oubliette

    LAWHFol: I can't wait until the Day that this Organization ... is Exposed for It's Blasphemous ways.

    Well that happened a long time ago.

    It's just that those indoctrinated by the cult don't know it.

    I suggest you learn to be comfortable in situations like this and let all of the awkwardness be on the part of the other person.

    There is no reason for YOU to feel uncomfortable and every reason for THEM to.

  • Vidiot

    LAWHFol - "All of these friends and family who have shunned or judged my wife and I will come to us humiliated and asking for forgiveness."

    Some might. Odds are, however, most would resent and avoid you even more.

    It's much easier to forgive someone for being wrong than it is to forgive them for being right.


    If the WTS really did crumble and die, loyalists would despise "apostates" even worse and blame them for it happening.

  • Tenacious

    @ Outlaw - In other posts you have made similar comments about the WTS surviving even a bunker-buster bomb hit (b/b bomb my idea). But if any organization has come close to teaching the fundamental biblical truths (trinity, dead, hellfire, etc.) and can later on be chosen by God to lead the way, it would have to be the WTS carcass or some form thereof. Remember that the majority of JW's are sincere loving people who have been misguided. Most of these people can be found within the R&F with a marginal few being appointed or privileged people.

    I would venture to say about 10% of what the WTS is today would survive a major cleaning or refinement by God. I believe the bible does speak of a cleansing in God's house. I think it's in Paul's letter to the Romans not sure though, have to look it up.

  • steve2

    LawHFol, you sound like my now deceased JW maternal grandmother who was known to declare, " I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of people when they realize the end is here and it's too late to do anything about it!"

    Understandable, I guess - but a little bit juvenile - no matter who says it. A variant of, "You'll be sorry for the bad way you've treated me!"

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