they died because they stayed

by Crazyguy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    According to a video over at jwsurvey there was 3 congregations in the path of that supper typhoon that hit the Philippines. The government had told people in these areas to get out but the JW's stayed for thier Thursday night meetings and then spent the night in thier kingdom halls to weather out the storm. Two of the 3 congregations even though their halls were destroyed they all survived but the third a hall in the worst hit area was not so lucky. A storm surge of water killed 22, in all 43 died. Despite the gb's spin if all the JW's would have listened to the authorities and left they would all have survived. But hey jehovah will protect esspecially if your in one of his holy kingdom halls. This is why this cult really scares me.

  • WTWizard

    They have no concept of "reasonable and prudent". You are supposed to do all you absolutely, not reasonably, can do. This applies to field circus and financial giving, too. Never mind that you can reasonably stay out the morning, but they want you out well into the afternoon, too. Never mind that you can reasonably, at this time, give a certain amount per month. They want even more, and they want it even if joke-hova nurfs your income. In these situations, they might not pay with their lives. They pay an even higher price--with their souls. They pay with damnation. They pay with poverty and stagnation that extends into all future lives, and is extremely difficult to eliminate.

    Also, how many times they should have cancelled a boasting session but, because they are idiots, they hold it anyways. In winter, it is blizzards and ice storms. They refuse to cancel a boasting session, how many end up stuck in the snow or getting into accidents, usually involving innocent people that are out there because of an emergency (often one that they didn't prepare for before the storm)? Does anyone accept the blame? Or, do they simply say "It slapped Satan in the face for those who stupidly attempted to attend the boasting session? Yes, this does slap Satan in the face--the same Satan that wants people to use common sense and not endanger innocent people and/or themselves by recklessly attending stupid events.

    Why they didn't cancel the whole boasting session, unless they want people to suffer needlessly (and I believe joke-hova wants us all to suffer), is beyond me. This is blatant proof that their god joke-hova simply wants us to suffer, paying unreasonable prices to attend stupid things. Blizzards, tornadoes, hurricanes, and widespread flooding are good reasons to cancel a boasting session. Do they hold indoctrination sessions for children (school) when conditions are bad? Or, do they have snow days built into the calendars? They even cancel indoctrination sessions for excessive cold! When is the last time you seen a boasting session cancelled for cold? I never seen one.

    So much for joke-hova being reasonable.

  • berrygerry

    They refuse to cancel a boasting session, how many end up stuck in the snow or getting into accidents, usually involving innocent people that are out there because of an emergency (often one that they didn't prepare for before the storm)?

    Sorry, need to disagree with this one.

    Our urban cong. with an extreme CoBE, regularly cancels meetings that the weather in which I'm out driving.

  • LisaRose

    How nice they canceled a meeting due to extreme circumstances. How sad that individual Jehovah's Witnesses don't feel free to make a decision on their own as to whether it is prudent FOR THEM INDIVIDUALLY to miss the meeting.

  • LogCon

    ... At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not... 11/15/13 WT page 20, parag 17

  • kaik

    Do you remember 1985 disaster in Colombia when JW flocked into KH during the Armero volcanic eruption and more than 40 of them died instead evacuation?

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