What should we ask Barbara Anderson

by Watchtower-Free 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free

    What should we ask Barbara Anderson . Soon to be interviewed by JWstruggle.com

    She is a former Watchtower writing dept member. Her website http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/


  • DesirousOfChange

    1) Who controls the money? Where does it all go? Why are they constantly begging for more and coming up with such creative ways to extract more?

    2) Are those at the top (GB) really, really believers? Or, do they realize they are a failed religion and are just hanging on for their own self-serving reasons?

    3) If those at the very top (GB) are really still "captives" and believe it all, then at what level does the "management" realize it's all bogus?

    4) Will anything ever bring about real change other than lawsuits (hit 'em where it hurts)?

    Barbara has been out of the loop of the Brooklyn hierarchy for many years now, but she may still have some "insider" info.


  • jgnat

    One of my favorite articles:


    Even though it has been some time since Barbara Anderson has been at Bethel, she has remarkable insight and has remained an advocate these many years. I would like to ask her what recent work gives her the most satisfaction.

  • JustVisting

    Who are the members of the Board of Directors of the WTBTS, are they baptized JWs, and what is their backgrounds? Does she forsee at time when the Board's directives conflict with the wishes of the GB and could the GB be "fired" and sent packing since they have no real legal authority?

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