Is The S!!t Going To Hit The Fan For The Governing Body This Year 2014? A Hundred Years Of The Invisible Ruling By It Imaginary Friend And Mascot? And It Still Has Done Really Nothing At All That Can Be Pointed To

by frankiespeakin 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    2014 this is a very Good Year:

    Will we 10 years from now be saying this about 2014? 2014 we have the culmulative effects of a 100 years of believing and printing material that supports the beleif in an invisible imaginary friend stetting up and invisible rulership from heaven and choosing thier printing company/corporation to champion the truth about this imaginary friend that is going to swallow up all of the Corporation's opposers for willfill disobediance to its message about this Imaginary Friend's rulership/government/kingdom, because this imaginary friend has a explosive temper and can do a lot of damage to those that scorn and disbeleive because it makes him feel all sad and squishy inside.

    Yes with child molestation law suits just waiting to be settled and other waiting to be filed, the selling off of branches and the made dash for sellable assets by the Governing Body to pay the bills this should be a very good year.

  • DesirousOfChange


    Most still "IN" just keep on trudging along and are oblivious to the lawsuits and other issues regularly discussed here. They have not awaken, and most probably will never awaken. They like the darkness. They are content with being told what to do.


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