Change to Contributions for World Wide Work..Why Not ??

by Poztate 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    A letter is soon to be read out at all congregations changing the RBC box from a voluntary thing to a mandated contribution sent in each month based on pledges. I am sure the thrill of this will soon wear off as congregations are hounded if they fall short of pledges. I am sure it will be a "local needs" talk at least every second month.

    However if it only partially works I can see this happening in another year or so.

    BROTHERS (tear comes to his eye) The WWW is every bit as important as the Kingdom Hall building funds. Should we not also support Jehovah with this lifesaving work to al mankind (never to be repeated yada..yada..yada..)

    We have decided (with a show of hands in favour) to send in an equal amount each month to support the WWW. No need for futher resolutions.

    We have installed a new ATM at the back to "assist" you with your pledges (we also have your tax reciepts from past years so don't screw with us)

    Next year lets tweak the local congregation account....even more

    What do you think... Can they get that greedy ???

  • Listener

    Maybe something like that. They would likely say that they were very grateful for the pledges but the contributions to their other needs have been falling short and could the brothers consider the great need and contribute more.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    It will probably be just like the political parties in the USA. Contribute during one of their major elections and they come back to you for every Senate and Congressional election, every time a bill is passed, every time a court case comes up, etc. I recently got 33 appeals for money from a political party in one day, all for different purposes. That's when I decided to stop giving them any more of my money.

    Churches do this as well. Went to the Saddleback Church in Mission Viejo, California a couple of times with my daughter. There were announcement before the session started, at least three during breaks in the session, a video tag at the end of a short film with music, and a couple more after the main sermon was over. Then when we left, there were at least 6-8 tables set up outside that were asking for money for various special functions.

    And just like Paul and Jan Crouch, so much of it goes to buy and build on expensive properties. Amy Semple McPherson went from a nobody to running the biggest and gaudiest church in downtown Los Angeles (The Angelus Temple) by making sure that the plates were passed every 15 minutes where ever she preached.

    I'm sure that the Watchtower realizes how much money they passed up by not moving from nationwide radio hookups and their own radio station (WBBR) into TV like so many other sects did. Instead they decided to go for magazine and book publishing for nickels and dimes while everyone else was buying cable and satellite TV time and making gazillions.


  • WTWizard

    My rule: If there is money for the Worldwide Damnation Fund, there is money for silver. You may, and should, have your own answer for "If there is money for the Worldwide Damnation Fund, there is money for [insert whatever you see fit to invest in]. No one should be donating for this parasite that is only seeking damnation for the whole human race. The Rothschilds already get enough. Does the washtowel need to get even more?

    Instead, you can think of what you could get with the money you otherwise would have donated. It matters not whether you have the money or not. What matters is whether YOU are getting value equal to or greater than what you are sacrificing, and if all you are getting is the congregation putting the funds into the damnation of the human race, you are getting negative value. You would be doing better if you blew your money on drugs, prostitutes, and gambling binges (which I do not recommend).

  • hoser

    WTWizard has it right. Look after yourself first.

  • Poztate

    It's all about the money. They must have a team of lawers sitting down to discuss how the flock can be squeezed for a few more $$$

    I remember the old joke about the simplified income tax form

    Question 1....... How much did you make ?

    Send it in

    I am sure the KH's will soon go back to the one contribution box model with all but a few $$$ held back to pay utilities sent in to head office.

  • wannabefree

    I was recently speaking with guys from a local Lutheran Church and Christian Missionary Alliance church, they talked about how they had it set up with their church so that their 'tithe' was automatically withdrawn from their bank account each month ... WHAT!? They found this service convenient.

    How long before Watch Tower, Inc. offers this loving provision?

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