Is the WBTS a parasite on worldly society?

by Frazzled UBM 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    So I ran into a couple of elderly lady Witnesses on the street and asked them the usual questions about how much they knew about the history of the organisation. Anyway after being dismissed with the usual contempt I asked them whether they were working and the answer was "No we are on the pension and live in council housing".

    So it got me to thinking that across the developed world there must be very large numbers of Witnesses or ex-Witnesses in exactly the same situation - basically living off the evil worldly state or more precisely the taxes of evil worldly people. So it got me to thinking about why this is the case.

    It is the case because the WBTS teaches Witnesses not to get a decent education and career and not to save for the future. Why do they do that - to get ther freee sue of the Witnesses time to recruit more Witnesses. More Witnesses mean more contributions which means more property assets. The contributions are tax free (on the basis the WBTS is a charity even though it does no charity work) and is money the Witnesses could otherwise be using to save for real estate or retirement.

    So Witnesses mostly end up retiring with no pension savings of their own and no property so are completely dependent on the state to provide for them. The WBTS is both the cause of and the beneficiary of this as Witnesses are in effect an unpaid workforce for whom they do not provide any pension. So not onloy are Witnesses victims of the WBTs fraud but so are governments and tax payers - the fraud beign that they are pretending to be a religion that does charitable works when in fact they are a corporation that pays no tax and does not provide for its work force in retirement.

    So if there was any justice in this world - the penalty for the fraud the WBTs has perpetrated over 100 yers woudl be for governments to confiscate its property assets and sell them and after setting aside money to pay for the victims of child sex abuse, create a fund for retired Witnesses and ex-Witnesses to reduce the financial burden borne by the state and worldly tax payers.


  • insearchoftruth

    I would agree with you, I wonder what percentage of the JWs get some sort of public assistance which comes from a government that they do not have the ok to vote for.

  • Tiktaalik


    And they accept blood fractions in transfusions but they themselves do not donate blood.

    They are, quite literally, blood sucking parasites.

  • Watchtower-Free

    I know of 2 Elder pioneers who are on Federal permenant disabilty (SSDI) and also have cleaning jobs.

    Not only do they cntibute zero to society they are cheats

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I;ve written before how both my parents worked at manual labor in factories during the 1950s and 1960s. When we were at meetings and field service, all these young pioneers would be doing fs during weekdays. The family was curious so we asked in a polite way. They were collecting disability. If they were confined to their homes, I would not begrudge them the disability money. It is not a lot. These Witnesses were going up and down steep mountains, walking for hours in the cold and the hot sun. They lived in the housing projects or housing that did not meet code. My father did such heavy work he used to soak in epsom salt for hours after work. If cell phones existed, I would telephoned the state to report them.

    My mom was counseled for working. A work ethic is so much a part of me. Plus, my father was shown very little respect. Some ditsy sister even wore a handkerchief on her head in front of him. I wanted to gouge her eyes out. My family went to prison for this religion. When they needed money, my father was so important. Meanwhile, I wore hand me downs. No toys. No music.No quality food. The welfare girls wore the latest fashions. Now I sound like one of those people who has never seen poverty. I have. IMO, it was self-selection. The deadbeats were looking for a religion to be deadbeats.

  • WTWizard

    The whole of right-hand path religion is a parasite, and that includes Judaism, Christi-SCAM-ity, and Islam (and all religions they corrupted). They have stripped whole regions in the world of cultures and left them with nothing but rubbish. They have together oppressed people for minding their own businesses and imposing strict rules on them. They are responsible for the homophobia we see, and yet they were the ones that plundered Africa to export people and sell them as slaves. They went through Europe and slaughtered people for not becoming xians. To this date, they send people to labor camps in the name of communism.

    As for the jokehovians, yes they are parasites even above and beyond this. They exploit and abuse welfare systems. It is one thing to collect welfare if one is unable to find a job within their reasonable ability to perform, or if they are cut off from their jobs because the company becomes downright rotten. It is one thing to collect disability if one is unable to reasonably do productive work that is available (if they can do such work but none is reasonably available, they should collect welfare instead). However, collecting benefits while wasting time and resources spreading this corrupt religion is inexcusable. You are unable to work? Why are you going door to door placing littera-trash? And why waste time and money (gas, cleaning bills, etc.) doing field circus when you should be trying to look for work? I saw that once--some idiot that lost his job and pious-sneered instead of looking for another job. Needless to say, that thing died rather destitute.

    Not only they exploit welfare systems, but they waste resources. How many trees do they waste on their rubbish? Plenty. Those trees could have been better used to provide heat, or to make newsprint or math paper, or tissue. Or, they could have been left alone and help clean the pollution that the jokehovians put into the air with their driving out in field circus. Which wastes gas. That gas could have been used by commuters and people that want to use it for legitimate purposes. They pollute unnecessarily with this waste of gas. Their buildings waste space that could have been used as animal shelters, office space, or a small store. And how much do they pollute by placing easily recyclable items in the rubbish? Plenty. I have seen plastic with a number 1 or 2 on the bottom simply tossed in the rubbish. I have also seen plenty of glass bottles, corrugated cardboard, and metal cans simply thrown out--all recyclable. Even most businesses have to recycle many of what the witlesses throw out.

    Not to mention, the waste of talent. How many times you hear about someone that quit a promising job, refused a scholarship, or did not try out for something just because it would interfere with the ministry. As bad as the Rockefeller system is, at least they could have got a job in a field that pays decent money. Instead, they pick work that is inherently unstable and usually end up on welfare. And whatever science they could have advanced is lost--to the religion. Imagine what if Edison, Tesla, and Alexander Graham Bell were to have quit their jobs or forgone science early in life to become pious-sneers instead. What if the inventors of the LED would have instead pious-sneered? Or the inventors of the internal combustion engine? The personal computer? Or the chemists working on improving car tires? Would they prefer having their medical conditions treated by having a priest praying to joke-hova instead of the current system, as faulty as it is? Or, what if the scum holding back advances were to be defeated--would you like having to die of cancer because the person that was going to find and implement the cure instead chose to pious-sneer? What about going back to the 55 MPH speed limit because the person who was on the edge of a free energy system decided to pursue missionary work?

    Yes, the jokehovians are parasites and worse than regular Christi-SCAM-ity. And worse than even the fundamentalist xians such as the born-agains and the mor[m]ons. While the world would be much better off without any of the three major parasite religions that deal with death, the jokehovians are among the worst--even the major polls place jokehovians among the bottom in income and education among all religions.

  • punkofnice

    They inadvertantly follow the example of their leaders the GB and it's sponge, sponge, sponge all the way!

  • Vidiot

    When I was in, it never once occurred to me that it was a complete and utter double standard to live with all the benefits and advantages of modern civil society whilst simultaneously condemning that selfsame society and refusing to contribute in any meaningful way...

    When I finally did grasp that in mid-fade (obvious in retrospect), I felt like a complete moron.

  • insearchoftruth
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I get angry about welfare. The young women having babies with any man to collect benefits. Sometimes I say to their face that they should be working and preparing the prince/princess for school. They feel entitled. So many of them have no practical schooling or family education. How dare they go in Field Service when they could be learning literacy, computer skills, or typing. Some of these people are bright. I could never be in a KH. One of my first acts would be reporting their FS to authorities.

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