Preaching to a Captive Audience in CostCutters!!

by AuntBee 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntBee

    So, i'm sitting in the waiting area, and there's this one lady getting one of those long procedures involving color, etc. So, as the stylist is working on her, i can overhear her preaching to her stylist about demons and immortality of the soul, from WT lit, using her IPAD! She was talking about the topics, referencing the proof verse, and then asking the programmed questions!

    Going back later with a jwfacts flyer for that young stylist, so she can get the whole picture... It was hard to tell what the stylist thinking, she had to be polite. wow.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Give her a break. She can count time while getting her hair done. Brilliant, actually.

  • AuntBee

    multi tasking

  • Londo111

    It is April. I wonder if she is doing the 30-hour auxiliary pioneering.

  • Phizzy

    My "Barber" has a number of JW's as customers, as she realised that I knew them , she thought I was one at first, so I explained my history, she is fascianted actually, and wants me to tell her more next time I go, my first anti-witness R.V !

    I also told her that when I was an active JW I never would have witlessed to her in the work place, because, as was said above, the poor barber or stylist is duty bound to be polite.

    It is simply cowardly, thoughtless, and totally unfair to do this in this kind of situaton. The JW's would see it as "fair game", I never did, there is no defense for it.

    My Hairdresser said she respected me for my attitude when I was a JW, and that she found their preaching to her as a "captive audience" as they do quite offensive, she really hated it, because she is a naturally feisty girl, and yet could not reply to their nonsense, she had to bite her tongue.

    They do not have the half a brain cell necessary to realise they are doing far more harm than good by "informal" witlessing in this way.

    Dumb twats.

  • A.proclaimer

    Hey Phizzy, now you can count that on your ex-jw time sheet and turn it in at the end of the month haha.

    In my mind, I think there are some people that get turned off when people preach to them or talk about their religion. By using "informal witnessing" too often it can turn people away.

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