Another Failed Prediction...

by cyrano 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrano

    Found this at Shaun's site over at
    shows how their own literature exposes them as false prophets.

    Kings of the North and King of the South
    (Another Failed Prophecy)
    By B.J. Kotwall

    The Watchtower Society (WTS) has recently again been proven false.

    Daniel chapter 11 (in the Bible) is about "the king of the south" and "king of the

    Scholars generally agree that the "king of the south" refers to the Ptolemies of Egypt and the "king of the north" refers to Selucids of the Selucid of the north and east of Judah. Daniel chapter 11 to the wars between Ptolemies and Selucids for control of what had been the land of Cannan. (The New Bible Commentary Revised 1970; Dictionary of the Bible 1965 J.L. McKenzie; The Companion Bible; Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Bible).

    The WTS in contrast had concluded that the "king of the south" is fulfilled in present day Britain and America, and the "king of the north" in the Soviet Union. (Your Will Be Done on Earth 1958 pp. 263 & 278).

    The WTS in their Your Will book said :

    ...the Soviet Union, the Communist power, that since it seized power in
    Russia in 1917, has held world domination as its aim to this day. (p.
    278)...Down to the time of the end at Armageddon there will be
    competitive coexistence between the 'two king' (p. 297)...Jehovah's
    angel foretold further aggressions by the Communist king of the north
    before his end in Armageddon. (p. 300)
    Despite predictions that the Soviet Union will competitively exist until Armageddon, and will fall at that time after aggressions against the rest of the world, the Soviet Union is now defunct since 1991 and has fragmented into a Commonwealth of Independent States and other former Soviet republics.
    Additional outrageous nonsense in Your Will book includes:

    The Soviet Union will gain control of most of the world and its wealth and resources including oil! (pp. 297, 303). The Soviet Union will then be terrified by reports issued by the WTS and initiate an attack against Jehovah's Witnesses. (JWs) (pp. 304, 305). Finally the Soviet Union and America will join forces to attack the JWs which leads to the annihilation of both America and the Soviet Union. (pp. 306, 307) Billions of people who are not JWs will at that time be destroyed. (p. 347)

    In a previous WTS book called The New World (1942) " the king of the north" was quite different and "included the Central Powers, or imperial Germany, Roman Catholic Austria-Hungary, Roman Catholic Italy and Vatican...Japan..." (p.324) An even earlier WTS book called Thy Kingdom Come (1891) applied chapter 11 of Daniel to the Napoleonic period in 1799!

    More recently after the failure of their above prediction The Watchtower of
    November 1, 1993, had further eleven pages speculations on the subject! The failure of their previous prediction was not mentioned in the article! Instead we read:

    So who is the king of the north now?...we cannot say. One thing we do
    know. Soon, the king of the north will conduct an offensive campaign
    that will be triggered by "reports that will disturb him ..."... This
    campaign will immediately precede his "end" (p. 21)...Hence the
    reports 'out of the north' may well be Satan's propaganda inciting the
    king of the north and all other kings to attack Jehovah's people...
    Alternatively, the report "out of the north" could prove to originate
    with Jehovah... (p. 22)
    How close are these events? the article says :
    We are in the homestretch in the race for life. (p. 23)
    In spite of WTS's repeated prophetic failures they keep promulgating their
    speculations as if God was responsible for them, thus bringing God in disrepute!
    Expressions such as "Jehovah provides his loyal servants with advance knowledge about this system's end " (The Watchtower 1984 July 1, pp.8-9) are common in WTS writings.
    The prophets of the WTS have once again proven themselves false. (Deuteromomy 18:21-22)

    INVESTIGATOR magazine
    P.O. Box 3243
    Port Adelaide 5015

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  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yes the "Your will" book was one of the books I kept. It is good to read for comic relief. Here are some quotes from the book. You may need a vomit bag as you read it but notice the errors and the WT blatant arrogance.

    " Every practical-minded, right-hearted person wants to put himself on the right side of the will that is bound to win out. In the matter of choice, man seems to be caught between the jaws of a pincer movement, the communistic north and the democratic south closing in upon him." How can we argue this statement otherwise we would not be a "practical-minded " or "right-hearted" person. "To favor either one of them is to favor their unseen ruler, he God of this world of which they are a part. Satan the devil is the 'God of this present system of things'. Satan's world is nearing the close of its "Time of the end. Additionally, The end of the Anglo-American pet, the eighth world power, the United Nations, is at hand. Now the final World powers of all history are about to fall, yes, Communism also! For a destruction comes, not by the hands of men raised in suicidal nuclear war, but by the hand of Almighty God, by his Kingdom with Christ in Power...Dedicating ourselves to him puts an inspiring purpose into our lives,a living for God and his heavenly kingdom of the blessed New World, a purpose for eternity! This does not mean joining a so-called church or sectarian religious denomination of Christendom or of Jewry. In order to understand God's word and discern his will we need help. In addition to prayer we need his Holy Spirit. We also need the help of his dedicated, organized people. Now in this "Appointed time of the end" since 1914, Jehovah has made manifest the "people that do know their God," his sanctuary class. With them many "other Sheep" have associated themselves in dedication to the God whom they know, Jehovah. These too have become Jehovah's Witnesses. These Witnesses of Jehovah are commissioned by him to help any reader of this book who desires and welcomes help. They must also accept teaching that god provides through his visible organization on earth. One has to continue studying the bible to grow in the knowledge of God's will. With this aim a dedicated Christian must seek the company of Jehovah's dedicated people and attend all their meetings." "We do not want to be "workers of lawlessness" and be rejected for salvation. What, chiefly, is Jehovah's will for us in this "time of the end?" "This good news of the kingdom will be preached." We must give this final witness. We must be Jehovah's Witnesses by preaching this good news down to the end. Eternally rewarding to us is the doing of Jehovah's will now on earth. It means life forever in his favor."

    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Will Power
    Will Power
    "Appointed time of the end" since 1914, Jehovah has made manifest the "people that do know their God,"

    You weren't kidding!
    Now if memory serves....I seem to remember them having a HUGE problem with identifying their God. They kept getting him mixed up with a gent name Jesus Christ. Their history of interpretation of Rev. 22:12 and 1 thes 4:16 calls their God an angel!

    Now I'm know scholar but where the bible says you are to be witnesses of Jesus, guess their mix ups don't matter. Yet I am intrigued with where they come up with the word jehovah? Did they take the vowels from the word jealous which from the bible is clearly the name god calls himself? And I see they left out the U since U do not belong.

    I think their writings are closer to FICTION as opposed to fortune telling (which is also fiction, but more of an occult kind)
    In any event belongs right alongside the stories from National Enquirer. What they won't stoop to? I don't know.

    Quite humorous, thank you will

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    cyrano, do you have a big nose?

    When was that published?
    That Kotwell name sounds familiar.
    Is he famous?

  • r51785

    I'm betting that the next identity that the King of the North will have in WT literature is the "vast unseen worldwide network of apostates."

  • moman

    r5, yes, "Symbolic apostates"lol

  • Valis

    The idea of making prophesy is a risky one at best. Especially when they fail to come true time after time. It just goes to show the level of delusion that persists in all kinds of religious variants, with the WT as a glaring example.. I guess credibility isn't an issue when you have dog on your side....


    District Overbeer

  • D8TA

    The Governing Body/WTBTS are probably the ones responsible for exposing the sham known as Miss Cleo.

    I mean come on! She was moving in to their "territory". And they did it "western" style....

    GoverningBody: "Miss Cleo, there's only room for one of us in this world. And by gum, WE are the only ones capable enough to fail at predictions! Get outta town."


  • tdogg

    All I know is that prophecy interpretation used to scare the crap out of me. What a powerful fear controller to use right in the middle of the cold war, it made perfect sense. I wonder what they were thinking as the Soviets fell away one piece at a time, maybe "oh crap, no more bookstudy for that book."

    Interestingly, the Mormons had a similar prophecy. The Soviet commie bastards were going to attack religion, and destroy D.C. and the Mormons (not God) would step in to lead the US and save the day.

  • Francois

    I used to use the Tuesday night book study to make off with the keys to the family car when I was about 17 years old. The "Your Will" book was what was being studied at the time, and I remember all that king of the north and south bullshit.

    People tend to believe what they want to believe no matter how outrageous. Look at all the women who live with abusive men for decades and deny that their black eyes were caused by their husbands. It's call denial. And JWs have the worst cases of denial known to man.

    Speaking of the UADNA, since I've moved to Atlanta, a leadership position in Savannah is open. I've decided to be a member here in Atlanta. The leadership here doesn't need any help, and that's fine with me.


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