Elder on the doorstep

by Gorbatchov 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gorbatchov

    With a house full with relatives someone knocked at the window.

    A local elder was on the doorstep.

    He told me we are missed and as I could expect they worried.

    I told him see you then.

    My frisian blood came up and I think the elder left not that happy.


  • snowbird

    LOL @ Friesian blood.

    My sub-Saharan African blood boils at the gall of the WT in thinking people have to do their bidding.


  • gingerbread

    Many elders know no boundries. Arrogant. Self-righteous.

    They approach in sheep's clothing - using phrases like 'we're concerned about you' or 'just wanted to see how you're doing' or 'here's some encouragement from the Bible'.

    Their real intentions are hidden - perhaps they are making an official investigation or the want to 'catch' you doing something.

    When we began our fade, our fear of man came from within the congregation. Since we're past that phase, I realize that I have the power - to not open the door, answer the phone or engage in conversation.


  • kaik

    When I was staying for weekend at my parents house, elders that I did not know stopped by. They heard a report that someone was staying there and they went to investigate. They attempted to grill me with questions about my presence there but I did not let them in and decided to close the door on them. I am out of KH for 20 years, the house my parents live in was actually paid of by my money. I felt really annoyed when some strangers questioned my intention staying in that house.

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