***"Religion is a snare and a racket.."

by MacHislopp 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    I'm sure that many of you remember this kind
    of catch phrase used in the publications of theWTBS Inc.. .

    For the sake of clarity let's give some of the quotes from the
    book :
    " Religion, origin, influence upon men and nations, and
    the result." (by J.F. Rutherford,published by the WTBS , Inc.
    in 1940).

    Page 59:

    Satan, the chief amongst demons , is the adversary of God. The Bible contains the word of Almighty God, which word of God is the truth.(John 17:17; Psalm 119:105) Any doctrine taught by men which contradicts the Word of Almighty God is a lie, and such doctrine or lie proceeds from trhe adversary, the Devil, and his associated demons."

    Page 78:
    The demons use religion to blind the people to the truth and then persecute all who tell the truth of God's Word."

    Page 96:

    " In their endeavors to accomplish that purpose the religionist disregard the truth and freely resort to lies."

    Page 96:

    "Satan is the chief amongst the liars. He is the father of lies, and in him there is no truth, and his supporters and dupes follow exactly his lead. (John 8:44) Religion being the chief instrument
    of the Devil on earth…"

    Pages 104-105 :

    "Protection. Again let the people be reminded that religion is a snare and a racket, originating with the Devil, the leader of the demons, and forced upon the people by the demons: the sanre of the Devil , in wihich to catch the people and the racket of the
    religious leader to rob the people.."


    " The demons have used religion to make many hypocrites among men. A hyupocrite is desplicable in God's sight. (Job 27:8,9; 34:30). "

    page 111:

    " God delivered him from religion because Paul was honest and
    sincere and of good will toward God."

    Page 111:
    "Known to God are all his works, from the beginning of the world."(Acts 15:18) That includes everything pertaining to religion and what will be the end of religion. God has set forth by
    his prophets what will come to pass, and in his own due time he brings to pass the physical facts in fulfillment of the prophecy and reveals the meaning thereof to those who diligently seek him.
    The prophecy of Joel specifically relates to religion and its final end. "

    Page 125:
    " With all of the disturbance and turmoil in the earth the political leaders loudly proclaim: " We must have more religion as a cure for the ills of the nations of the earth." Not that we must have a return to God and his kingdom, but religion is what they insist upon, which is wholly an invention of the Devil."

    From these few but representative quotes, I do believe that it is very clear, the stand taken by the writer one of "God's anointed"
    and the publishing Society i.e. the WTBS, Inc.

    Now many years have passe since and let's jum, with a leap of
    60 (sixty) years to the year 2000, on June 14th, and in front of :
    Rayburn House Office Building"

    The speaker and the subject are:

    Effect on Institutional Level and Personal Lives
    Presented by Philip Brumley
    General Counsel for Jehovah’s Witnesses"

    What " views" , will sustain this official representative of the WTBS,Inc??
    What will he say about "….RELIGION .."???

    Let's take some quotes, although you can read the full intervention from
    this link:

    (Please take notice of the use and its frequency of these
    terms: " religion, religious,religious status, religious nature,
    religious recognition, religious category, religious
    classification,religious community, religious orders,
    monastic arrangement, monastic nature, Order of Special
    Full-time Servants, international religious order.."
    Remember the Hearing takes place on June 14 2000!)

    "When governments determine that religious beliefs do not meet standards of "loyalty" to the State or constitute a breach of public order and withhold religious recognition or registration, where does that lead us? Will governments next dictate what beliefs are acceptable in democratic societies? When governments fail to acknowledge any distinction between commercial enterprises and voluntary, self-sacrificing endeavors to promote humanitarian, religious endeavors, what will happen to the concept of charities? Will volunteerism be taxed out of existence? Can a government legitimately assert that it protects religion freedom when at the same time it uses its taxing power to oppress those who belong to certain religions?"

    Strange , after sixty years the words" religion, religious.." are used in a different way.


    "We will provide some details of these trends using France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Sweden as examples. The following facts speak for themselves and document the current state of the basic human right of religious self-determination in Western Europe."

    And this part:

    Records show that Jehovah’s Witnesses have been active in France since 1891. This spring more than 204,000 attended the most sacred celebration of the year for Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Memorial of Christ’s death. Certainly Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a "new" religious movement and can hardly be called a "minority" religion when we are the third-largest Christian religion in France.

    The recent attempt of the French government to officially deny religious status to Jehovah’s Witnesses began with an adverse ruling by the Conseil d’Etat in a 1985 inheritance case. (The French will aver that, under the rubric of the "wall of separation of Church and State," the French government grants official recognition to no religion. However, the facts speak otherwise. Recognized religions are extended benefits, such as being able to receive charitable bequests.) The Conseil d’Etat refused to allow one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to leave a portion of her estate to the Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses in France because the court did not agree with our doctrinal rejection of blood transfusions and refusal to participate in military service. The fact that there are 3,000 French doctors who are willing to operate without blood completely eviscerates the first basis for the court’s ruling. The passing of a law on alternative non-military service in France that provides a conscientiously acceptable method for young Jehovah’s Witnesses to render ‘Caesar his due’ does away with the other reason for the Court’s refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses in France.
    In spite of these favorable developments, the French Parliamentary Commissions on Sects have made the situation worse by issuing biased reports containing lists of supposedly "dangerous sects" and including Jehovah’s Witnesses among them."

    Do you notice any thing?
    What the WTBS, Inc is trying to do in France?
    Simply to request : " religious status to Jehovah's Witnesses "

    Why all this? To glorify Jehovah the Almighty God?
    No…just for taxes!

    Institutional Consequences:
    A direct result of the discriminatory treatment toward Jehovah’s Witnesses in France is a 60-percent tax that has been levied on donations received by the Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses in France. Next week, on June 20, 2000, a hearing is scheduled in Nanterre on this matter. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall wisely observed: "The power to tax involves the power to destroy." Although governments are fully authorized, both Biblically and secularly, to tax their constituents, this particular tax has no other purpose but to make it impossible for Jehovah’s Witnesses in France to financially support the operations of their own faith. That means 60 cents of each dollar contributed to support our annual Bible conventions, operate our Kingdom Halls (houses of worship), and fund national relief measures will go to the French government. Only forty cents on the dollar will be left to use for the charitable reason for which it was given. No religion could financially continue to operate under such a punitive tax.
    To our knowledge, no other religion is being taxed 60-percent on personal contributions made in good faith to their church. Instead, other religions enjoy tax exemptions granted by the Conseil d’Etat. Not even most minority religions are taxed—in fact, we are only aware of one other case where personal donations to a religious association have been questioned. Upholding the religious nature of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ associations, there have recently been four favorable Courts of Appeals decisions exempting Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses (houses of worship) from paying land (property) tax. This is part of the process established in France to grant religious recognition. Needless to say, French authorities have appealed all four cases which means that this issue will ultimately be heard by the Conseil d’Etat. Should that court rule in favor of religious freedom as Justice Jackson’s court did in this country in 1943, it will not be necessary for us to pursue this matter to the European Court of Human Rights.

    What about Belgium???

    Belgium’s roots with Jehovah’s Witnesses also trace back to 1891. At the Memorial celebration of Christ’s death held this spring, there were more than 46,000 in attendance.
    Belgium also had its parliamentary commissions and reports on sects in 1997 with ongoing consequences. Although Jehovah’s Witnesses have no "institutional consequences" as a result of being included in the discriminatory list of sects that was published, there are effects on a personal level.


    "But note what was stated in two cases in the Flemish section of Belgium:

    · "It constitutes a grave danger for the children taking into account the influence of the Jehovah-sect" of which the mother seems to be a member.
    · "Jehovah’s Witnesses are not to be viewed as a religion but as a movement of fanatics.""

    And Germany???


    The right of Jehovah’s Witnesses to remain neutral in politics has again become the focus of a legal struggle over our right to have the same legal status that is granted to other recognized religions. The denial of this favored status to Jehovah’s Witnesses is based on our Bible-based and historical stand of not electing individuals to political office.

    And this:

    Institutional Consequences:
    The Federal Administrative Court made a decision that has far-reaching consequences for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany. They reversed two lower court decisions and refused recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a "public law" corporation. Jehovah’s Witnesses had fulfilled all designated requirements, but the State introduced a new element when considering our application. It was decided that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have the degree of loyalty required by the German State to extend favorable-status treatment. This decision is based on the fact that historically Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from participation in political elections or holding political office. Not even the German Constitution requires mandatory participation by all citizens in the electoral process, but evidently the Federal Administrative Court requires this of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We have contested this decision through a complaint to the Constitutional Court.
    Due to this federal-level decision, the finance authorities then took the unwarranted step to rescind the permanent nature of tax exemptions granted to associations owning the houses of worship for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany. These authorities, in anticipation of a negative outcome, are poised to declassify Jehovah’s Witnesses’ corporations as not being of "common benefit." If an adverse ruling is handed down, every Kingdom Hall in Germany will be taxed as though what goes on inside is not worship, an assertion so ludicrous that no nation could make it and still maintain that it guarantees religious freedom to those within its borders. "

    What about Austria?

    Jehovah’s Witnesses began their preaching in Austria in 1891. In April 2000, over 33,000 joined them in their sacred annual Memorial of Christ’s death.
    After 20 years of seeking to be classified as a religion in Austria and just when the courts were close to obligating the government to do so, the government passed a new law setting up a special religious category called "confessional community." We are the only religion immediately affected by this law. Under this new law, we are now required to wait an additional 10-year probationary period before we may once again apply for recognition as a religion. As a result, this new law automatically and deliberately extends Jehovah’s Witnesses’ 20-year struggle into a 30-year wait. In the meantime, a new complaint by Jehovah’s Witnesses is pending with the Austrian Constitutional Court concerning the new law that created this multi-tiered religious classification system."

    Please note again how the tems: " religion, religious " are used by the WTBS,Inc. !

    Remember the…taxes:

    Institutional Consequences:
    The classification of "confessional community" does not allow for performance of marriage rites, pastoral visits to hospitals or prisons, recognition of ministers who are free from military and civil service, or tax advantages. "

    What about Sweden???

    The work of Jehovah’s Witnesses began in Sweden in 1886. This year over 36,700 joined together in the annual celebration of the Memorial of Christ’s death.
    Sweden just instituted an arrangement for registering religions, thus ending the existence of one official State religion. We are pleased to report that on March 13, 2000, the government registered Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religious community. However, Sweden’s labor and tax laws evidently make no exceptions for members of religious orders or other religious workers. Because of a lack of any acknowledgment of "volunteerism" even based on religious devotion, the Swedish government is in effect dictating how much time and energy one can devote to godly endeavors within the context of a monastic arrangement. In fact, other religions in Sweden no longer have volunteers, but have to rely on an employed staff under central collective agreements with labor unions. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, volunteering our time and energy to promote true worship is the whole-souled sacrifice that we desire to make to God."

    So again what's the problem with the WTBS.,Inc ? The worship of the Almighty God ? No, simply Sweden 's LABOR and TAX laws!!!

    And what about these aspects? Notice again the terminology: " religion, religious, religious order,, and wonderfull news…."…The monastic nature of our office in Sweden .."
    I'm sure that 99% of the R&F did ignore this FACT…I.e. There are MONKS (males) and
    NUNS (females) in the midst of the WTBS,Inc. corporations.
    Please pay attention to the following:

    "Institutional Consequences:
    In most nations Jehovah’s Witnesses have a national office that coordinates, under the direction of the Governing Body in New York, the religious activities of adherents in that land. Those serving in these offices belong to a religious order and provide their services free of charge. This inures to the benefit of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide by keeping the cost of our religious endeavors to a minimum. Instead of recognizing the monastic nature of our office in Sweden, the authorities there are obligating each member of that office to pay a tax on any service he or she receives from others who also serve there. Labors of love, such as cooking, cleaning, or doing the laundry, contribute to a family environment and expedite efforts of others to translate and distribute our religious literature, and organize the worship of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Sweden. These helpful endeavors are being assessed at the current "market value," that is, what it would cost to commercially obtain such services. Thus, they have become prohibitively expensive to those benefiting from those services, although no one is being paid. For example, a volunteer member of our religious order in Sweden receives approximately $100 to reimburse him for personal expenses incurred during the month. The tax imposed adds up to $937, almost 10 times the cash income that he receives.
    By requiring a tax for volunteer efforts—anything perceived as a personal service—the government has equated the self-sacrificing, religiously-motivated lifestyle of members of the coordinating office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden with wealthy individuals who pay for such services. As a result of this attempt to secularize the religious activities of what takes place at our office in Sweden, we may have to drastically reduce the number of volunteers who serve there.
    Keeping this situation in mind, you may recall a Biblical event involving Jesus and Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Matthew, Mark and John all record the event, which took place not long before Jesus died. The account at Mark 14:3-8 states, in part: "A woman came with an alabaster case of perfumed oil, genuine nard, very expensive. Breaking open the alabaster case she began to pour it upon his head." Many of Jesus’ followers objected to this act of kindness because of the cost of the gift. Jesus reprimanded them saying, "Let her alone. She did a fine deed toward me. She did what she could." The account estimates that Mary’s gift of personal service cost 300 denarii, which was the equivalent of a year’s wages. If Mary had attempted to render such a service today, Sweden would require Jesus to pay a tax of 10 times the value of the gift for Mary’s personal service, i.e., 3,000 denarii in cash. Mary would have been precluded from rendering the service to Jesus and our Lord would have been precluded from accepting it. What Jesus called "a fine deed" would never have taken place. This well illustrates the dilemma facing our religious order in Sweden.
    Unhappily, this situation is not limited to Sweden, but is becoming more frequent throughout Western Europe.
    Personal Consequences:
    A case in point is a graduate of our missionary training school who has been serving voluntarily in Sweden since 1961. She has devoted her life to her religious work. She has acquired decades of experience as a translator of Bible literature. Now she has been forced to reduce the amount of time she formerly devoted to translation to cook her own meals, care for her own laundry, and clean her own room because she cannot afford the prohibitive tax that would be imposed if others were to care for those needs, as is routinely done in other branch offices of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the world.
    In another case, a skilled worker had to decline participation in a renovation project of a house of worship. He wanted to donate his time, all costs involved with travel, and use of his tools to the project, but decided he could not afford to pay the high daily tax for the simple meals that would be prepared and served for free by members of the congregation. "

    To end here is the " icing on top of the cake "

    a) "…the religious activities engaged in by those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who are privileged to become members of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants, as our international religious order is known. "

    Personally I do remember the Order of the Franciscains, Dominicans, Carmelitans
    and also " the Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum B. Mariae de Monte Carmelo (this
    ones are without shoes) all are monks and similar orders.

    This is the conclusion by the General Counsel for JW (WTBS, Inc), Philip Brumley.

    The concept of legally legitimizing religious discrimination is fraught with problems, legally and morally. Yet that is what happens when nations adopt a multi-tiered system of religious recognition. International agreements have attempted to eliminate discrimination due to religious belief, but as we have seen, it still goes on. A new and worrisome trend in Europe is the refusal to recognize the religious nature of activities performed by volunteers. European labor and tax authorities are arbitrarily imposing an "employer/employee" relationship to the religious activities engaged in by those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who are privileged to become members of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants, as our international religious order is known. Interestingly, the Supreme Administrative Court of Brazil ruled that members of our religious order in that land are not subject to taxes imposed on employees since the activities involved were religiously motivated rather than of a pecuniary nature. Are governments, who laud religious freedom and human rights on the one hand, acting consequentially when they limit "religious activities" to what they narrowly and arbitrarily define as "worship"? What is the solution?
    Personally, I am eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of the promise contained here in the Bible, in Isaiah 32:16 through 18, which says: "And in the wilderness justice will certainly reside, and in the orchard righteousness itself will dwell. And the work of the [true] righteousness must become peace; and the service of the [true] righteousness, quietness and security to time indefinite. And my people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residences of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places."
    Until that time arrives under God’s Kingdom rule, I appeal to this committee to use its influence to protect and reinforce the universally recognized right of religious freedom in Western Europe."

    Don’t forget all this was taking place in the United States, in front of the"HOUSE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS".

    I hope that this rather long - topic - has proved who is really the WTBS, INC.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • SYN

    Some very good research, man! Keep it up....

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Awesome post.

  • NameWithheld


    Good stuff. This illustrates the reason why I feel the WTBTS went out on a limb to register w/ the DPI at the UN. It was all about increasing political clout so as to gain leverage w/ governments ...

    It's ALL about the money! Gotta avoid paying those tax $$$$.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello friends,

    I do see that you got the point

    i.e. Organized religion = money...as far as it last!

    Will give more update on the subject.

    Thanks for your appreciation and comments.

    Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp

  • Wren

    Hi! This brought back a memory. Thanks for the research.

    During the mid 70's, a Watchtower study article officially put to rest the then correct term to use of our 'faith' and began using the word 'religion' to describe JW's organization. It was big news in the KH I attended. I was corrected a few times about calling JW's a religion at the time, until the study article came out. Religion then became a good word and now applied to JW's.

    I don't know if this has any correlation to the topic. I don't keep much of a WT library to find the study article.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Now how did those guys finally stop Capone?

    tax evasion

    Charities, shouldn't be classed as charities just because they collect money to support themselves.

    Pedaling AIR, looking for tax breaks, they could at least open a watered down soup kitchen with some of the 941 million they raked in 99.

    Does the UN know that the charity that the WT performs is print slanderous material about the UN and governments, US citizens that do not belong to their group, and every other religion who has just as much 'RIGHT' to sell their brand of AIR! Even bad mouthed blacks & jews before it became tabu. check out the quotes if you don't believe that black people will eventually turn white.

    If microsoft wrote that Netscape and the supreme court judges were a disgusting thing and blah blah WHO WOULD STAND FOR IT!!! Should we all be giving Gates a tax exemeption # because he gives away Outlook? Now people can email and that brings families closer together, so thats charity. Oh and since it is so big, I think we'll make it a religion too!

    Bravo for France & other countries that have stopped giving the WT free reign to suppress and violate.

    When will the "shunned father" get help!

    Don't mind me, I'm really mad right now. What a racket is right.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    To follow up this thread
    I have traced what I would like to call the....beginning of a change???

    *** w55 6/15 370 Dedication to Jehovah ***

    6 The creation of Jehovah God with which we are acquainted and which is lower than man never fails in its purpose, testifying to the power of God. But integrity, love, uprightness, these and other related qualities, do not apply below man. They apply to man and on up in the scale of God’s creation. They are qualities of worship.

    Worship, pure religion, is exclusively possible for that part of God’s creation that is intelligent.”

    NOTICE: now religion it is called WORSHIP,...
    then worship is equal to:
    pure religion.

    Another 15 years and the emphasis is mainly on “ w o r s h i p “
    as this article shows:

    *** w70 11/15 690-1 The Need to Know What We Worship ***

    24 The anointed remnant of “people who are knowing their God” have lived up to the prophecy that foretold how they would “act effectively.” The record as published over the years proves this. Their work has not been without the effect promised in the infallible Word of God. They have imparted the all-necessary understanding to “the many” till now. This they have done by means of spreading the magazine The Watchtower now published in seventy-three languages, by the circulation from house to house of other Bible literature in 165 languages, yes, by the printing and distributing of a number of Bible versions of which they have the ownership in a number of languages. And not only by putting these Bibles and Bible study aids in the hands of the people, but by personally carrying on free studies in the Bible itself in the homes of the people who are dissatisfied at worshiping what they do not know.

    25 Their taking this action has been effective under Jehovah’s blessing. Particularly since the year 1935 C.E. a “great crowd” of persons has been responding in all the nations, tribes, peoples and languages where this imparting of Bible understanding could be carried forward. They have given up worshiping what they do not know at various places considered sacred, religiously holy. They have been helped to worship the only God worthy of being worshiped. They do not go up to Mount Gerizim or to Jerusalem in Israel to worship him. They do not worship him mechanically or ceremonially, but in the real spirit of worship by faith and with the Bible truth they worship him, wherever they are.

    26 They worship him at his true sanctuary, his spiritual temple not made with human hands, serving him day and night there in righteousness, pictured by white robes that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. In worship to the God whom they know, they cry out in unity: “Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.”—Rev. 7:9-15.

    27 These worshipers of what they know have not kept their knowledge, insight and understanding to themselves. In full dedication to God they have joined the anointed “holy people” who “are knowing their God,” and are imparting understanding to still others and spreading spiritual enlightenment to them. Persecution has not stopped them any more than it has stopped the anointed remnant since 1919 C.E. They also will prevail and continue to “act effectively” until the “great tribulation” comes shortly upon their persecutors and these are no more.

    28 Thereafter this earth will be a clean place for all those who are “knowing their God” and who are worshiping him with spirit and truth. “

    Another 12 years and is now it is a question of “ right religion v wrong religion “
    “false religion v true religion”

    *** w82 3/1 7-9 Can We Find the Right One? ***

    Can We Find the Right One?

    WHEN we know where all this religious diversity started, it becomes easier to answer this question: Which is the right religion? Clearly, the true religion is the one that cannot be traced back to that ancient rebellion against the true Source of life.

    The Encyclopedia of World Religions makes an interesting comment that can help us here. It says: “The religions of the world may be roughly divided into two types—the prophetic and the mystical. . . . the prophetic [ultimately derives] from the Jews.”
    According to the Biblical record, the ancestors of the Jews did not join in the rebellion at Babel against the true Source of life. Their ancestral line includes such men as Shem, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who were known for sticking to the pure worship of God. In fact, Abraham is called “Jehovah’s friend.” “Jehovah” is the name of the true God, as specifically stated in the Bible. (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; James 2:23) Do any people today worship Jehovah in the way that Abraham did?

    A Line of True Worshipers

    Because of Abraham’s faithfulness, Jehovah God promised that his descendants would eventually become a special nation in His eyes. This promise was fulfilled in the ancient Israelites. They heard God say: “If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me.”—Exodus 19:5.
    For many years the worship of Jehovah was kept alive on earth by means of the Jews, although they often fell into sin and apostasy. Nevertheless, Jehovah repeatedly told them that he was going to send a special messenger who would bring salvation to mankind. After 1,500 years, this one appeared. He was Jesus Christ.

    Unfortunately, by the time Jesus arrived, the Jews had strayed a long way from Jehovah. They still claimed to worship him, but, as Jesus told some of their religious leaders: “You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition.” (Matthew 15:1, 6) Because the Jews opposed Jesus, they were rejected by God. Jesus warned them: “The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.”—Matthew 21:43.


    That “nation” turned out to be the Christian congregation. These were the ones who accepted Jesus Christ when the Jews, as a whole, rejected him, and God blessed the loyal ones for their faith. Not long after Jesus’ death, God miraculously empowered Jesus’ true followers to speak in foreign tongues—not in senseless gibberish, but in actual languages that others could understand. Healings, resurrections and other miracles added weight to the fact that here, indeed, was the “nation” that God was using.—Hebrews 2:4; compare Acts 2:1-4; 3:1-10; 9:32-41; 20:7-12.

    ‘But surely,’ you might say, ‘Christianity is as confused today as the rest of the world’s religions. Hundreds of groups call themselves Christian, yet they all differ from one another and contradict one another. How did this come about?’

    History shows that many Christians did exactly the same as the Jews had done. They apostatized. They mixed Jesus’ message with doctrines from other religions. Thus they started to teach doctrines, such as three persons in one god (the Trinity), that originated from non-Christian and non-Jewish sources.

    From where, actually, did those teachings come? Regarding the Trinity, one scholar wrote: “Nowhere in the New Testament does the word ‘Trinity’ appear. The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan.” (The Paganism in Our Christianity, by Arthur Weigall) The same can be said for the doctrine of the immortal soul, the widespread use of images, the popularity of astrology and many other familiar teachings and practices of Christendom. They can be traced not to the original worship of the true Source of life but to that ancient religious rebellion in Mesopotamia.
    However, not all Christians were corrupted. Jesus himself warned of this very apostasy, but promised that true religion would survive right to the end. (Matthew 13:18-30) How, then, can we locate it today?

    Finding the True Religion

    Jesus gave a rule for recognizing true religion. He said: “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” Bad fruitage would identify the false religion, and good fruits would reveal the true.—Matthew 7:15-20.
    What is the fruitage that the true religion will bring forth? The accompanying box contains a list of some such fruits, as told to us in the Bible. If you compare this list with all the religions you are acquainted with, we are sure you will quickly recognize which does and which does not have the truth.

    However, you will need to examine the list carefully. For example, you will note that one mark of true religion is ‘having genuine love.’ Now, most religions say they have such love. But if cheating in business, immorality, or selfishness are widespread among the members of a religion, do they really love one another? And if they are prepared to kill one another in revolutions or wars, how genuine is their love? Similarly, another mark is that “all their beliefs are based on the Bible.” Of course, members of most religions in Christendom think that theirs is. But do you know a religion where all members have taken the trouble to open their Bibles to see if this is true of their beliefs?
    If you have any problems in your search, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be glad to help you.
    It is, indeed, worth the effort to seek for the true religion. Man instinctively feels the need of a better life than he now enjoys. The true religion can point us toward that life. We naturally ask such questions as these: “Why are we here?” “What is the purpose of life?” True religion can put us in touch with the Source of all life, Jehovah God, who will answer those questions for us. Moreover, sometimes all of us desperately need guidance in solving the problems we face from day to day. True religion can give us that guidance.

    Yes, there is a true religion, and we can find it. Our doing so will bring eternal benefits, for the Bible promises us: “As for those seeking Jehovah, they will not lack anything good.”—Psalm 34:10.”

    And in the same year:

    From the book : “..Live forever..” (published in 1982 by the WTBS Inc.)

    *** pe 31 3 Your Religion Really Matters ***

    15 Since many religions today are not doing God’s will, we cannot simply assume that the teachings of the religious organization we are associated with are in agreement with God’s Word.

    The mere fact that the Bible is used by a religion does not of itself prove that all the things it teaches and practices are in the Bible.

    It is important that we ourselves examine whether they are or not. Persons in the city of Beroea were commended because, after the Christian apostle Paul preached to them, they checked the Scriptures to make sure that the things he was telling them were true. (Acts 17:10, 11)

    The religion that is approved by God must agree in every way with the Bible; it will not accept certain parts of the Bible and reject other parts.—2 Timothy 3:16.”

    And for all who use “ sincerity as an excuse :

    *** pe 31-2 3 Your Religion Really Matters ***


    16 But someone may ask: ‘If a person is sincere in his beliefs, won’t God approve of him even if his religion is wrong?’ Well, Jesus said he would not approve of “workers of lawlessness” even though they believed they were doing what was right. (Matthew 7:22, 23) So sincerity alone would not be approved by God either. Once Jesus told his followers: “The hour is coming when everyone that kills you will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God.” (John 16:2) Such killers of Christians might sincerely believe that they were thereby serving God, but clearly they were not. God does not approve of what they did.
    17 Before he became a Christian, the apostle Paul helped in the murder of Stephen. Later, he looked for ways to kill more Christians. (Acts 8:1; 9:1, 2) Paul explained: “To the point of excess I kept on persecuting the congregation of God and devastating it, and I was making greater progress in Judaism than many of my own age in my race, as I was far more zealous for the traditions of my fathers.” (Galatians 1:13, 14) Yes, Paul was sincere, but that did not make his religion right.
    18 At the time, Paul was a member of the Jewish religious system, which had rejected Jesus Christ, and so it, in turn, was rejected by God. (Acts 2:36, 40; Proverbs 14:12) So to gain God’s approval Paul needed to change his religion. He also wrote of others who had “a zeal for God”—who were sincere but were not approved by God because their religion was not based on accurate knowledge of God’s purposes.—Romans 10:2, 3.”

    In conclusion how far they have gone from
    being against... ALL RELIGIONS in general!
    Tipical turning of any kind of teaching.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Chariklo

    I was searching for something completely unrelated...because JWN is a wonderful encyclopaedic resource!...and found this ancient thread. A real blast from the past! But it solved something that's been puzzling me for some time.

    To me, a religion is, say, Christianity, or Buddhism, or Islam...in other words, it's a particular school of belief. The word religion on its own, without the indefinite article, means to me and is generally understood as referring just to belief in a divine something or other. Not much more than that.

    Recently, I've encountered people using the word "religion" to mean any kind of organised denomination, whether Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, methodist, Catholic...anything. They object to any kind of religious organisation on the grounds that a person is better to make their own subjective interpretation according to what he or she reads in the Bible.

    This was so foreign to me that I couldn't understand why or how they'd comne up with such a concept. Now, just reading through this dusty old thread and brushing off the cobwebs, I see where it comes from. It's all Jehovah's Witness baggage. It's JW lingo.

    And I didn't recognise it because I was never with the JW's for long enough for everything to rub off on me!

    It never ceases to amaze me how people who even, perhaps, left the WT years ago, still manage to carry so many of the old attitudes for years and years, maybe for ever, I don't know. Some do truly shake it all off. Some completely react the other way, as though they were a piece of elastic pinging as far away as possible from the point of origin. And some vocally reject it but continue to think along the same old tramlines.

    It's interesting, but anyway, this was my personal bit of enlightenment this morning so for what it's worth I thought I'd share it with everyone!

    I wonder if anyone remembers and recognises these old names? I don't know them.

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