Stone Cold Witness!

by Grunt 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Thought some might have forgotten the basis for some of the WT dates like 1914, the Stone Witness (aka Great Pyramid) and how Some Bible Students (aka C.T. Russell) got wrapped up in measuring it to get an understanding of the bible. This is one of my favorite WT quotes as it shows all the reasons NOT to believe anything they say and then says you should anyway.


    January 1, 2000 WT, Page 9 – starting with the last sentence in the 15th paragraph):

    It is wrong to add to God’s Word or to take anything away from it. – Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18,19.

    16 One example will underline how important this principle is. In 1886 when C.T. Russell published a book that came to be called The Divine Plan of the Ages, This volume contained a chart linking the ages of mankind with the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It was thought that this memorial of Pharaoh Khufu was the pillar referred to at Isaiah 19:19, 20: “In that day there will prove to be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to Jehovah beside its boundary. And it must prove to be a for a sign and for a witness to Jehovah of armies in the land of Egypt.” What relationship could the pyramid have with the Bible? Well, as an example, the length of certain passages in the Great Pyramid was said to indicate the time for the beginning of the “great tribulation” of Matthew 24:21, as it was then understood. Some Bible Students became engrossed with measuring different features of the pyramid to determine such matters as the day they would be going to heaven!

    17 This so called Bible in Stone was held in esteem for some decades, until the Watchtower issues of November 15, and December 1, 1928 made clear that Jehovah needed no stone monument built by pagan pharaohs and containing demonic signs of astrology to confirm the witness given in the Bible. Rather, Isaiah’s prophecy was seen to have a spiritual application. As at Revelation 11:8, “Egypt” is symbolic of Satan’s world. The “altar to Jehovah” reminds us of the acceptable sacrifices made by anointed Christians while they are temporary residents in this world. (Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15, 16) The pillar “beside [Egypt’s] boundary” points to the congregation of anointed Christians, which is “a pillar and support of the truth” and which stands as a witness in “Egypt,” the world that they are about to leave. –1 Timothy 3:15.

    18 As the years pass, Jehovah continues to give us further clarification of truth, including a clearer understanding of his prophetic word. (Proverbs 4:18) In recent years, we have been encouraged to look again with deeper understanding at – among other things – the generation that will not pass away before the end comes, the parable of the sheep and the goats, the disgusting thing and when it will stand in a holy place, the new covenant, the transfiguration, and the temple vision of the book of Ezekiel. It may be difficult at times to understand such updated explanations, but the reasons for them become clear in due course. If a Christian does not fully understand a new explanation of a scripture, he does well humbly to echo the words of the prophet Micah: “ I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation”-Micah7:7.

  • moman

    Yup, the goof liked them so much, he got buried under one!

  • Dutchie

    Grunt, thank you for sharing this article.

    It is extremely upsetting to read this. It just illustrates how little respect the WTBTS has for the publishers in the congregation. They change so many of their beliefs in one fell swope, things that they taught for decades were absolutely true, and then have the audacity to urge the publishers not to get upset at the changes but to wait on Jehovah for understanding. What nerve!

  • hillary_step


    Yes, it has always been a source of mirth to many how the Watchtower is elevated as *THE* standard of honesty and decency as it sets right all that the Watchtower has failed to understand correctly in the first place.

    You know the scenario, "In times past some of Jehovahs servants believed that it was scripturally acceptable to drink kerosene as long as they were not smoking cigarettes at the same time. However, the Watchtower of Dec 12th 1988 made it quite clear that anyone doing such a thing was clearly contravening scriptural standards".

    The Watchtower corrects itself and makes its readers look like fools….again.

    "They reel and move unsteadily like a drunken man,
    And even all their wisdom proves confused." Psalm 107

    I suspect that Wednesday mornings on Level 10 bear much resemblance to the ‘Mad-Hatter’s’ tea party these days, especially with so many anemic hyenas wrestling to gets Ted’s hat from Ted’s head.

    ‘He’s late, he’s late, for a very important date’. ( Armageddon that is )


  • LizardSnot

    I thought that things kept under pyramids were supposed to receive some sort of powers.

    Hmmmm...maybe Charles Russell is alive in his casket right now...and just doesnt have quite enough "power" to get out.

    I think they should have built a bigger pyramid...

    I wonder if they remembered to include an air duct venting system for his pyramid headstone?


  • butalbee

    Stone cold witness--I will bite my tongue to that. Are we talking about people or rocks here--oh, well, the witness I know fits this term perfectly.

  • Elsewhere

    I thought this was going to be about a certain WWF wrestler joining the JWs.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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