Updated online Insight book still using offensive term 'Mentally diseased'

by defender of truth 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    They have made changes/updates, such as to the 'Genereation' teaching, as mentioned on another thread.. and yet this mistranslated verse still remains, allowing the offensive and hateful application of it to continue.

    Take a look at these quotes from the online Insight book..
    (Watchtower quotes are included as well, handy if you don't already know how they apply this term).

    • Abusive Speech (‎2 occurrences)
      • (2Pe 2:11) But such talk can be expected from those who indulge in loose conduct, those who are proud and mentally diseased over questionings and debates, and those who disregard or disrespect God’s appointments.

      • it-1 p. 35 - Insight, Volume 1
    • Epilepsy (‎2 occurrences)
      • We still use the word ‘lunatic’ to signify a person mentally diseased, although we have long since ceased to believe in the moon’s influence in such cases.” [This is a quote from a book, but it illustrates the general understanding of the term mentally diseased.]

      • it-1 pp. 756-757 - Insight, Volume 1
    • Godly Devotion (‎2 occurrences)
      • If anyone who professes to serve God relies on his own ideas instead of adhering to the Bible and if his teaching does not ‘accord with godly devotion,’ thus failing to reflect the teacher’s devotion to God, he becomes “mentally diseased.”

      • it-1 pp. 971-973 - Insight, Volume 1
    • Understanding (‎2 occurrences)
      • He is not like those in the apostle Paul’s day who assumed to be teachers of others but were “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything,” unwisely letting themselves become “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words,” things that produce disunity and a host of bad results.

      • it-2 pp. 1138-1141 - Insight, Volume 2
    • Will You Heed Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? (‎2 occurrences)
      • Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings.

      • w11 7/15 pp. 15-19 - The Watchtower—2011
    • Make Your Advancement Manifest (‎2 occurrences)
      • Paul described such individuals as being “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.”

      • w09 12/15 pp. 11-15 - The Watchtower—2009
    • Firmly Uphold Godly Teaching (‎2 occurrences)
      • (1 Timothy 6:5; Galatians 5:15) Of those who caused these arguments, Paul wrote: “If any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion, he is puffed up with pride, not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.

      • w00 5/1 pp. 8-12 - The Watchtower—2000
    • 1 Timothy (‎2 occurrences)
      • 4 he is puffed up [with pride],+ not understanding anything,+but being mentally+ diseased over questionings and debates about words.+ From these things spring envy,+ strife, abusive+speeches, wicked suspicions,

      • Rbi8 1 Timothy 1:1-6:21 - Reference Bible (Rbi8)


    And for anyone who claims they are 'just quoting the Bible', see this list of translations of the same verse. Do they say 'mentally diseased'? :

    Newspaper coverage here:


    Interesting video here:

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    RNWT - 1 Timothy 6:4 "He is obsessed* with arguments and debates about words." *“has an unhealthy fascination.”

    How inaccurate was the old "revered" NWT?

    Is the RNWT any less flawed?

  • Vidiot

    Jeezus, it's like the n-word.

    Some assholes still just can't seem to stop using it.

  • Truthexplorer
    Had to resurrect this thread again. A sister answers during the WT today; Her arm straight up , almost touching the ceiling. She said that 'Apostates are mentally repressed!!!!! and that we should avoid them like the plague'. At first, I thought oh my...that was said with zeal. Afterwards, I realised she had likely meant to say mentally diseased in line with WT/GB thought control. Also, I thought how ironic her loving answer was, as she was actually correct in saying apostates ARE mentally repressed.......as that is one major reason why earnest Christians end up having no other choice but to speak out. Yes sister, repression of thought is a frustration most witnesses experience today due to WT teaching/policy. Its unity at all cost regardless. Wheres the liberty in Christ? Where's the Christian freedom of speech?
  • truthseeker100

    What's the opposite of mentally diseased ? Mentally healthy?

    It's so nice to know that all the loyal followers of the governing body are the opposite of mentally diseased and are therefore mentally healthy. It must be the fear of their loving creator that makes them this way.

    We all know that some were fornicators, idolaters, thieves, murderers, child molesters and the like before they came into the truth and some still are from time to time when they slip backwards. Now though they are all mentally healthy and I am one of the diseased ones who never was a thief or murderer or the like.

    Sigh! I guess it must be the diseased state of my mind that doesn't allow me to comprehend why? It's too bad the mentally healthy are forbidden by the governing body to associate or even pray for me. If I had not chosen science to trust instead of gods representatives here on earth maybe I could pray too, to somebody for help in restoration of my diseased faculties.

    Sigh! I'll just take my place with the other mentally diseased members of humanity who are about to be annihilated by your loving god. After all what has science ever contributed to humanity? If I wasn't mentally diseased I would be unhappy but sadly I'm not!

    Sigh! Ignorance is bliss if I could only get me some?

  • truthseeker100
    Sigh! Does anyone remember the scene from the movie The big Red One. In the midst of the carnage to come it will probably be the last thought that goes through my mentally diseased mind.I'l lay down my figurative soup spoon of knowledge, pick up the sword of the spirit and associated spiritual food and ammo and say "I am sane! I am one of you. I am sane! I am sane....and maybe with a moment of clarity and a last minute re-conversion continue on helping with the killing spree.

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