Big brother is watching.

by Guest 77 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    In one of yesterday's news channels two people were interviewed about being monitored without their knowledge/consent. One was a computor engineer and the other was a student. The engineer was dumdfounded to know how much information they had on him. The second was most interesting because they were 'not' monitoring her, rather her paintings/pictures that were hanging on the 'wall!' The news story is to be continued today and now I just have to remmeber which news channel I was watching. There is no doubt that big brother is watching. Terrorism is the optimum word for 'control.'

    Guest 77

    Guest 77

  • Francois

    With each instance of terrorism in this country, more and more of our freedoms are going to disappear. This will happen because we will allow it, because the majority of the American people think their rights issue from the government as opposed to the other way 'round; plus the fact that many Americans - especially women - are more than willing to trade their freedoms for security (and will wind up with neither).

    The government, power-hungry as are all governments, will use terrorism to go as far as it can in relieving the people of their freedoms.

    And in the end, our republic will go down the drain, just like each and every other country in history where the odd phenomena of individual freedom temporarially broke out. Get ready for your chains, because they certainly will be here. Oh, you may not be able to see them, but they'll be here.

    Get ready to kiss your freedoms goodbye. Then get ready to observe the true meaning of compassion from the left. Fire up the Bessemers boys, it's eastern Europe all over again. I surely wish I could get the chain link/razor wire fence concession between Canada and the US, and Mexico and the US.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Amen Francois. The world conspirators have 'conditioned' the people since the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. This conspiracy is manufactured and manipulated by the elite rich. America the land of the free? It is only free to the 'few' elite rich, the controllers. Don't pay tax on your property and see what happens.

    You are correct in saying, "The government,.....will use terrorism to go as far as it can in relieving the people of their freedoms." You hit the nail on the head my friend. The problem with people is 'apathy.' Why? Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. Like Rutherford, 'Advertise, advertise, advertise!'

    Guest 77

  • SYN

    "Religion is a snare and a racket"

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • 4christ

    here is one American woman who values freedom more highly than security- There are already way too many laws on the books, and every new one chips away at our freedoms.
    Francois, I hope you are wrong but I doubt it.

  • DanTheMan


    I think that if totalitarianism pays a visit to the USA, it will come from the right, not the left. I find the Church/State union folks to be as frightening as all get out. Imagine our government becoming a self-righteous, religio-delusional, don't-question-us-because-God-appointed-us theocracy not unlike that miserable one we were fortunate enough to have escaped from!

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