God needs a lawyer?

by tdogg 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • tdogg

    So which one of the apostles was Jesus lawyer? You know, the guy who would stand next to him when the Pharisees would ask a question and Jesus would lean over and the lawyer would whisper something in his ear. Then Jesus would say something like "I have no recollection" or "if I answer that you would not be able to understand it anyway, because well, I am the son of God after all."

    And when Moses came down from Sinai was there some well dressed over paid mouth there to peruse the 15 commandments then whittle them down to 10? "'Thou shall not rape and plunder other nations' leaves us too little to work with Moses. we might need to scratch that one. And oh, 'Thou shalt not molest children' is so unspecific, we would all be stoned to death for changing our children's diapers, and how would we circumsize out young boys? Better lose that one."

    So now in the "Last Days", God and/or Jesus needs a lawyer to defend his church, His one true church? Im sure the apostle Paul had to send his letters over to the legal department to get approval before they were sent and then double checked by legal before the Bible printing.

    I wonder does this guy Brown, who is a good spin doctor, one of the best I've seen, take himself seriously? The hired guns that work for big corperations know that they are spewing bullshit all the time and they love the fact that they can get people to buy it. Is this guy the same or is he deluded enough to belive his own lies?

  • PopeOfEruke

    JR's only concern is to keep the printing business profitable and to limit lawsuit damages.

    As long as he does this, he will be satisfied he is doing a good job.

    These people do not have "consciences" or other feelings.

    A pox on all of them.

    The Pope

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