Cardinal Law or J.R. Brown?

by crownboy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    I think it's very shameful the way both the JW's and certain members of the Catholic church are handling their various child abuse scandals. If the God they say they worship does exist, he must be very disgusted with what he sees.

    I think both Bernard Cardinal Law of Boston and the Watchtower Society, chiefly through their "PR man" J.R. Brown, are not really owning up to their responsibilities. I think Cardinal Law should resign and the JW's should first of all acknoweldge their faults, and then attempt to correct them.

    Do you think that one group is doing a worse job than the other? I think the JW's are doing a worse job, because beside not fully owning up to their problems (like a Catholics to an extent), they also seek to expel members to want to effect change, something the Catholic church does not do. In fact, the Pope recently met with all the U.S. cardinals to try and get a grip on the problem, do you see the GB having a similar meeting with C.O.'s and D.O.'s? While the Catholic church seems to be trying to improve the problem, at least untill now the J.W.'s have attempted to deny it, and we all know the only way anything will be done is if they recieve extremely negative publicity, otherwise they'll continue to do nothing. While the Catholics have definitely done wrong(and some change is a result solely of the bad publicity), and the leadership has been pretty corrupt on this issue, I say the JW's are even worse.

  • VioletAnai

    I agree with you on this point. The jw's have treated the abused atrociously...not just children, but the physically and emotionally battered wives as well! I feel very strongly that the two witness policy should not apply in a childs case as it is highly unlikely that that would occur. Jesus showed mercy to a woman who was bleeding and didn't enforce the full law - instead he comforted her knowing what she was going thru. He also said to plead the widow and the fatherless boys case...because no one else would defend you'd think the elders would follow Christs example.

    I think the Catholics are doing the best they can to make amends at this least that shows that they are willing to admit they were at fault. JW's on the other hand....

    Now as for me, I throw my burden on Jehovah - God - the bible tells me to and he will sustain me. The bible also says that revenge is for Jehovah, nothing is hidden from him and he will work it out for us. We only need trust that he will help us. I'm focusing on forming a personal relationship with Jehovah...not the Jehovah's Witnesses...they won't be my salvation...Jah will!

    This is one issue I wish the JW's had made a stand on from the beginning instead of whitewashing the problem.... It doesn't exist in the congregation because we are all dedicated servants who have cleansed ourselves of every defilement of the flesh, as if those types would be among us TOSS TOSS!!

    I hate to say this but JW's need to take a page from the Catholics book.....and learn from their stupidity.....

  • dungbeetle

    JW"s are learning, Violet. They are breaking down the barriers that have been erected,starting with J.F.Rutherford and continuing today,between themselves and their communitites, and they are reaching out to the 'lost sheep' and giving comfort and 'sustenance'.

    Since this board was opened, (and even before)JW's and non-JW's and ex-JW's have been working together for positive change. At many of the 'aposafests' I've been to, there are sometimes 1/4 Witnesses and 1/4 non-Witnesses.

    JW's are voting with the only power they have--their wallets. Kingdom Halls are being sold, circuits are being dissolved, building projects are all but disappearing; literature orders are shrinking; this is becasue JW's WANT change and are willing to work for it.

    No, not to your face they aren't.

    But when we all here on the board are not looking, they are missing meetings to go out to dinner; they are coming off the pioneer list to work extra hours for a nice house and a car; they are going to R rated movies becasue they don't WANT to be treated like little babies. They are making more independant decisions regarding health care. They are not conducting bible studies, and many JW's are not making their children go to meetings, like they used to.

    They are doing all these things quietly; with none of the fanfare that ex-JW's can't seem to do anything without--it's just a difference in style.

    Bless you JW's--you are waking up and taking the reins in your own hands. The children you save will be your own.

    Hats off to JW's!!!

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

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