Radio show re: JW & Pedophiles

by Safe 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Safe

    A radio talk show out of Little Rock, Arkansas, US will be discussing the JW pedophile issue on 5/14/02. The host is Dave Elswick. The radio station is KARN, 920 AM or 102.5 FM. I don’t know if the station broadcasts via the Internet, but his show begins at 9 a.m. CST and ends at noon. If you want to call the talk show dial 501-433-0092 for Central Arkansas, or 800-264-0092 toll free, I don’t know if the toll free phone number works nationwide or only in Arkansas. I have e-mailed him URLs to this board,, and a few of the recent Internet news articles. Here is his web page: I am not affiliated with the radio station, I’m simply trying to get the word out.

  • hawkaw

    BTTT and welcome safe

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Any other info?
    Will there be a guest?
    Will the guest be JR brown or someone like him?
    Will there be 2 sides presented?
    if so, Will the 2 sides be 2 different sides?

  • Safe

    I do not know who the guests will be, if any. I have not discussed any program details with the talk show host. I suggested the topic and gave him some places to research. That is all the information I have.

  • safe4kids

    Hi Safe

    Thanks for the info and welcome to the board.


    P.S. For any who may be wondering, this is not a new nick by me; if I were going to choose one it would be more along the lines of "SafeNoMore"

  • silentlambs

    silentlambs will be there....

  • Mac

    I was suprised to see Dave Elswick's name mentioned in this post. He was my next door neighbor when I was a child living in Hammond, IN. He and I were the publishers of "The Chesterfield Press", a neighborhood newspaper of which he was the head writer and I the art director/cartoonist. This venerable publication had a distribution of over 6 people (seven to be exact) and lasted three issues after my mother grew weary of typing each and every copy. This was around 1963 when I was seven and Davey was ten. I was aware of the fact that Dave had gone into broadcasting, but did not know where he was currently working. I'm going to try to contact him by E-mail tonight as my schedule will not allow me to try to contact him at the station tomorrow. I'll relate to him my knowledge of how a child molestor was dealt with in my congregation when I was still active. (Parents of victims told not to go to authorities, congregation would handle the matter, father and uncle of molestor were elders, etc..)

  • blondie


  • Safe

    Bill is being interviewed on the program now, and phone calls will be coming in shortly. If you are able and would like to call use the numbers above.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If someone was able to tape the show off the air I'll be happy to convert the tape to an mp3 audio file.

    I can work from either a standard audio tape cassette or a vhs video tape (using vhs video tape gives you six hours on one side).

    My email is open.

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