Yo! Silent Lambs ....

by Hyghlandyr 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    I am in Indiana as some of the folks here know. Evansville to be exact on a research study. I will be getting out on the 15th. I have to pass through louisville on my way back to Cincinnati. Me and my study buddy would like to swing by your way if you are anywhere near there to say hi. See whats up, swap stories. He is not a witness, never studied or anything. His only contact really is through me and the occasional one that stops at his door.

    So if your available and near around that time give me a response here or in my email and maybe we can meet ya man.

    Namaste (The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you)

    Joseph James Frantz (My Birth Name) A former member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Congregations: North Olmestead and Wooster Ohio. If you know me feel free to contact me.

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