Useless Web Site!

by piztjw 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • piztjw

    So I happened to peruse this morning. Considering the rabid way that the jw's are shamelessly promoting a web site I found it telling that when I, out of curiousity, clicked on the "request a home Bible study" link I got this meesage:

    Request a Free Bible Study

    Would you like to learn more about the Bible? If so, take advantage of our free home Bible study course. Request a Bible study by completing the form below.

    And guess what? The form below was a BLANK PAGE! I guess that is pretty accurate though...most of what has been trotted out recently is nothiing, no content, BLANK!

    Also, I see that the "contact us" email link they provide is totally useless. All it will do is open the default email program with no address. One must fumble about in the dark, trying to guess what address might get an email delivered. Nothiing like being led by a blind guide!!

  • quellycatface

    My sentiments exactly.


    At the last meeting they were wetting themselves in excitement of the upcoming JW.ORG awareness campaign. If you are a fader and still going in public field serve-us, consider handing out QR codes to


  • mynameislame

    I seems to be working for me, it must have been the holy spirit preventing you from sending apostate hate mail to the WT

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