Professional Pedophile Cover-Up Agent Will Make Governing Body! 2014

by RottenRiley 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • RottenRiley

    Hi, recently the brother who helped cover over the sexual abuse in our Kingdom Hall started to parktake, when I asked why the local scandal dated back so far, all fingers pointed to this one Circuit Overseer (Now Almost on the Governing Body) as the man who told all the Elders "Hush! Hush Hush!" he recommend the police not get involved because it would put the Sour Grape Kool-Aid flavor in the publics eye.

    Do you think this brother who has started to partake of the emblems in the last few years is Governing Body Material?

  • Bob_NC

    Nah. Not unless he also has many years of "fulltime" service.

  • jamiebowers

    Randy Watters brought attention to the fact that Merton Campbell was celebrated in the March 1, 2008 Watchtower as a faithful servant. According to Barbara Anderson's, Campbell was involved in pedophile cover-ups. And governing body member Ted Jaracz sent goon squads out to threaten child molestation victims and their families. Based on Watchtower history, it seems the guy of which you speak is well on his way up the corporate ladder.

  • Crazyguy

    If he has enough proof and skeletons in the closet, he could use it to get what he wants.

  • RottenRiley

    His name is already posted on JWN, when he is appointed by Satan's Spirit to the position of Governing Body Member, I will pull the post up!

  • galaxie

    I say let him climb as far up greasy rotten ladder as high as he wants.Its up there in the top echalants of slime is where he belongs !!!

  • RottenRiley

    Galaxie, he was the brother who told the elder judical committe I should not be informed my daughter was abused by a Jehovah's Witness Elder. I talked with four elders of the congregation she attended, one elder thought I should buy a gun and kill the child-sex abuser, he is currently trying to get his position of elder back after being kicked off the Holy Chariort. Never would I resort to violence, especially buy a gun from a elder who dealt in stolen weapons. I put myself out on a limb by sharing that information, the brother who offered to sell me a filed off gun (I told him to go Fuck Yourself!) was trying to get his position back. He wanted revenge against the pedophile and Circuit Overseer who is now in control Patterson's Teaching Complex or will be

    How many of you Jehovah's Witnesses affiliated with the Borg were ever offered to buy a gun so you could "off" a elder? My story is unique I would guess, most of the humans I am learning to assimilate with do not behave as wickedly as my former "Den of Vipers" BOE friends. What kind of JW Elder offers to help send his brother to jail for twenty plus years, I thought of calling the police on this illegal arms dealer but thought, he is just a sad sack of flesh, trying to regain his position.

    When I refused to do this dirty deed, he started up on "If I was in your position, I would have done this", I said "Than why in the Hell have you allowed the Pedophile to watch over your grandchildren, why are you smooching up to Pedo with Power? He's a little Rat and so is is daughter in law, two little humans pretending to be religious!

  • zebagain

    "Goon squads to threaten"... (victims).

    would someone name the bastards!

    Rotten riley: just read your post why be anywhere near these crims. Selling dud guns? call the police on the swine!


    Are you talking about a certain brother who appears on the JW "out of darkness videos?? Very charisimatic? Kind of looks like Mr. Mole from Wind in the Willows????

  • punkofnice

    Call the police!

    Report any paedopiles so that they can be taken out of the way of children.

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