In light of the Russia ordeal, what are things that should be banned from the WT

by EndofMysteries 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I do believe the authorities should step in to the WT's practices and possibly ban some things, and this would have absolutely nothing to do with freedom of religion. A few items I'll list will explain. Feel free to give your input too.

    1. Ban the lies - As seem on FAQ, they lie about not shunning family members, about not following and serving man, about not shunning those who leave the religion, etc. I see absolutely nothing wrong with forcing them to be honest and upfront with their own religious teachings.

    2. Ban talk and print of shunning family members - people can make their own choices and sometimes non jw people end up severing ties with their family members. But the WT has no place to require and put in print to not even talk to them via email, etc. Also many who are raised never had a choice on joining. It has been said that emotional abuse is worse than physical abuse. If a religion in the USA taught to mob up and beat members who leave or want to leave, if that could not stand up as a freedom of religion, than neither should emotional abuse.

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