1st Estonian EXJW message board!!!

by sutor 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • sutor

    Welcome to our 1st Estonian board!!!

    Dear friends!You are all welcome to post.At the 1st page you can see English text too so there is no problem to use it.


    Please help us to start it! All English,Russian and Finnish speaking are welcome too.
    (In users profile you can change your forum language)

    Best wishes,

  • avengers

    Hello Sutor.

    It's nice to hear you are running a board in Estonia.
    Can you guide me a little?
    It's probably me, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the language into English.
    It's too bad I cannot read your language, therefore I'm asking you how can I change it into English? request your assistance.
    Thank You.

  • outnfree

    I tried to register and could not.

    Nonetheless, I think it's just GREAT that you have a board up and running in Estonia!



    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • borgfree

    It was a little difficult but I finally found the right button to push for english, trouble is I don't remember how. I would have to go through the whole process again.

    Keep trying you will get there.


    "You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." -Ziggy
  • peaceloveharmony

    scroll to bottom of page. should see "Foorumi keel/language" click on drop down and select english :)

  • ffeidrik

    Thanx everybody who already registered in deJT message-board!

    It's basic language is of course estonian, so do not expect us to tranlate estonian posts, it's still a bit ... difficult :)

    But you should be able to choose english for your navigation language as peaceloveharmony explained (thanks for that).

    Then you can find on the top of main page "Register" link, fill the registration form and then you should get activation e-mail, follow the activation link from that mail and that's all! Then you can log in using the username and password you chose.

    If after the logging your navigation language is estonian again, find from the top of main page "Profiil", scroll down until the "Foorumi keel/language:" and select "English", scroll down again and press "Saada" button. Now your navigation language should be english.
    As you can see, we have now only on subforum for english-speaking users.

    If you have any problems with registration let me know about them here or in deJT board in the subforum "Küsimused ja ettepanekud" (Questions and suggestions) where unregistered users can post.

    You are all very much welcome in deJT board, i think we do not have very much estonian (ex)jw-s who can participate in such boards, but who knows ... it's only the start

    Thanks again everybody

    deJT admin

  • Haereticus


    Best wishes for your work on the south side of the bay. Maga hästi.

  • ffeidrik

    And of course, i forgot - thanks to you sutor - suur tänu sellise vinge reklaami eest

    deJT admin

  • tunnistaja.ee

    Let's dig this up from the dirt of the years. The time was not right in 2002, but it is now.

    The Estonian exJW website is http://www.tunnistaja.ee

    There is forum and the authors are directly contactable. There is also a local in-person support group.

    For English-speaking folks, there is a short intro here: http://www.tunnistaja.ee/jehoova-tunnistajad/ex-jw-in-estonia-english-info.html

    Tervitused kõigile ja kohtume Tallinnas! :)

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