I feel nostalgic and for a second, even felt like I wanted to go back.

by StephaneLaliberte 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Today, I feel nostalgic about the good time I had in the “truth”. I was thinking about the district convention coming up this summer and I have to honestly say that I miss being there and hearing about some really good bible advices. You know, about how to be a better husband and father, how to be balance with entertainment or money, how to priorities love and despise wickedness. I miss that. I really do.

    But then, I think of all the times they say that they are God’s sole channel and how everyone else is wicked. That those who question them in fact question Jehovah himself. That anyone not researching information within the boundaries of their controlled media are “after their own selfish desires”. And above all, that you should, without blinking, ignore and treat as dirt anyone they tell you from the podium “Person so and so is no longer a witness”. Don’t question anything, be humble and accept Jehovah’s arrangement in which you now must hate this person.

    I just must say that I find it, for the least, weird, that I have to keep reminding me the bad things to overcome this nostalgic feeling.

  • punkofnice

    Just remember that when we look back we tend to have rosy coloured specs on.

    It is also perhaps a remnant (no pun intended, although it was pretty good), of the 'thought reform' you went through. It has formed mental anchors to your past.

    I miss the Baptist church I went to after leaving but what's the point going back? I'm an atheist now.

    Give yourself permission to go through this but maybe a good read to help you understand why you feel this way is Combatting Cult Mind Control. by Steven Hassan........if you haven't already

  • Theredeemer

    Why do you need someone from a stage to tell you what you can gather from reading the bible in the comfort of your couch? Hell, Olsteen is on TV every Sunday preaching the same stuff. I think it may be more the sense of belonging you feel when you are surrounded by 6000 other people who are nodding their head in agreement or, more likely, falling asleep.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Thanks Punkofnice, I'll add that book to my library: Combatting Cult Mind Control. by Steven Hassan.

    and yes Theredeemer , I think that being surrounded by people who nod their heads has a lot to do with it. Its a feeling a belonging, a feeling of being in the right place. And in the end, its all feelings, its not doing the right thing.

    As for someone to tell me stuff I can gather, well, I like discussing things, and very often, some of the most enlightning research I have done in finding the TTATT was triggered by comments I heard at the front. To me, its entertainment. Some people like football, I like religion. Its just like you told someone: Why don't you go play hockey instead of just seeing people play it. Religion, I research and like people talking about it.

    So you may be right, perhaps I should look into other source like prechers on tv and radio who tend to be much more mainstream.

  • Magwitch

    Sorry you are conflicted. I have read Crisis of Consciience every year for the last six years. It reafirms that the JW religion is nothing more than a scam

  • punkofnice

    Ecan - Although I am an atheist, I used to like listening to sermons from different denominations on sermonaudio.com, you might like that one....full of stuff.

    Happy hunting.

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