Cold Fusion Moves Into Mainstream

by metatron 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    You shills aren't doing your job. You need to provide more ridicule to stop this movement from saving the human race and changing the world.

    Hey, I'm just sayin'


  • snare&racket


    Are you here in an attempt to give the impression that this community is one of conspiracy theory? When I see such thread titles, the author is obvious every time.

    UFO's, JFK, Crazy pseudo science, Moon theories, FEMA fear..... anything Alex Jones would love....

    This is all so unlike a JW, I am unsure how genuine you are being here as you don't really comment on anybody else's threads, you simply post these wildly speculative stories. You don't EVER discuss Watchtower, especially in a negative light, unless being WILDLY bizzare such as recent claims of a Jewish connection to HQ geography.... :/

    I really struggle to believe that someone is this silly, are you a plant?

    This site has released information and announcments sometimes over a year in advance to Watchtower, I have seen lots of conspiracy websites and yet to see ANYTHING be proven true. This site hits home runs continously. If you are trying to smear it, it is a laughable attempt.

    If I am wrong, if you are sincerely engrossed in all of this wild conspiracy, my apoogies..... but then again, maybe some critical appraisal skillls would save you posting such obious dupe stories.

    Snare x

  • Perry

    The same guy who supposedly has this new-fangled energy mechine, served prison time in the 1990's after claiming that a company he started, called PetrolDragon, could convert toxic waste to oil, - See more at:

  • bohm

    so what happened to the rossi lenr scam we told you years ago was never going to materialize as an actual product or in any real testing scenario?

    is it "just around the corner" or did it happend invisibly?

  • DJS

    Snare, you may have figured Metatron out. According to experts, conspiracy theorists typically have low self esteem, and the 'special feeling' of being right or superior they get from holding on dearly to their conspiracy theories fills the void. Arguments advanced by conspiracy theorists tell you more about the believer than about the event, so Snare you are spot on.

    A healthy amount of skepticism should be a goal of all of us, but conspiracy theorists take it to ridiculous heights. Conspiracy believers are highly doubtful about information from the government or other sources they consider suspect. But, without criticism, believers accept any source that supports their preconceived views, which is what we see with Met's OP. And trying to reason with them is typically a waste of time. They and only they know the 'real truth,' while everyone else is mindlessly following the government, media, instituion, etc.

    Experiments have also shown that conspiracy believers not only often subscribe to a variety of well-known conspiracy theories, but also frequently agree with an invented conspiracy. So yes, it appears that you can tell more about the person than the topic in this matter.

    Sounds kinda like the Reverend on this site. Met and the Rev have a lot in common.

  • Caedes


    In the thirteen plus years you have been on this site can you point to any one conspiracy theory that you have subscribed to having subsequently been proven correct? I read the link you provided and there is nothing mainstream or concrete discussed, it is all conjecture. Facts are tricky things aren't they?

  • Caedes

    I think it is funny that you think that those of us who are skeptical of your conspiracy theories wouldn't be delighted to see a fusion device producing electricity.

  • cantleave

    LOL - Metatron, you really do love crazy.

    Now for something real and non-conspiratorial.

  • metatron


    None of you provided any animation to further ridicule here and Perry trotted out the same tired dismissals, as if nothing's happened in the field at all.

    I really get a belly laugh when I post these things and then all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, screen names come forward I've never heard of.

    Try posting a serious discussion on 9/11 and all these new 'people' suddenly show up.

    It's hilarious.


  • Caedes

    Yeah, that is a good argument when 5 of the 6 people who have replied have been regular contributors on this site for years!

    I take it you couldn't think of a single conspiracy theory you have espouced that has been subsequently proven correct then? What a surprise.

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