Parents need to be agreeable to bring up balanced kids

by usualusername 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    Evening all

    The woman of my dreams has moved in with me, yadda yadda yadda.

    We were chattting about haviong kids ones day and me other half felt that in front of our potential kids we should be agreeable on important things and maybe even minor things.

    I disagreed.

    My partner is Catholic and I am an atheist. She feels that the child should go to church every Sunday. I proposed alternate Sundays with me and visits to Temples and Mosques thrown in too.

    To all parents and those with opinions, do parents need to display agreements in matters to help their kids?



  • Finkelstein

    I think so because a child will develop a sense of tension, devision and strife within the

    household of which they are apart of and worse they can absolve that they themselves are

    the cause of all of that.


    That being said I don't think the occasional appearance at a church service is going to

    overwhelm the child in their psychological development.

  • jgnat

    Children of divorced parents turn out OK all the time. So the two of you, sparring partners in the arena of religion, should be able to work this out. Depending on how well the parents got along, well, the child's trust in authority will be affected. North American parents, especially, have an exaggerated sense of importance of their role in how their children turn out. Children grow up all the time. Different children have different sensibilities and some have a sort of resilience that get them through all sorts of trauma. If they credit you with their success or not, that's another thing.

    I suggest you take your battles behind closed doors and present a united front to the child. This is for your protection, as a discerning child will swiftly learn how to play one parent against the other.

  • usualusername

    Thanks for the reply.

    Love the link jgnat

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