Want to find old friends

by Evelyn Bailey 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Evelyn Bailey
    Evelyn Bailey

    I'm longing to hear news of some of my old friends. From New Hampshire or Vermont, Norman and Jane Beauchene, Frank and Carol Walker, the Lewellyn family. From Pennsylvania, Sue and Bob Buehler, Craig and Barb Curley, Donna Hertel, Kathy Keers, Irene Lapchak, Laurie Maser, Bob and Helen Neiman, Diane Schell, Jack and Maryann Thorn. These are a few among many dear friends from years gone by. If anyone (those named or others) sees this and remembers me, please drop a line and tell me how you are.

  • seedy3

    Hi Evelyn,

    Welcome to the board. If they were or are JW's have you tried this site http://www.watchtowernews.org/findexjws.htm you can list yourself as well and see if you get a response.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    I know the Thorns and I can give you an update on them.
    Feel free to e-mail me.

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