70 weeks prophercy

by KSFernando 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • KSFernando

    According to the Daniel's 70 weeks propercy, it ibegins “from the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem. As per the Bible writer Nehemiah, the word went forth to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem “i In the month of Ni′san, * in the 20th year of Artaxerxes the king.”Nehemiah 2:1.

    Therefore the propercy begins in the month of Nisan (March/April)

    Propercy Begin

  • KSFernando

    According to the Daniel's 70 weeks propercy, it ibegins “from the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem. As per the Bible writer Nehemiah, the word went forth to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem “i In the month of Ni′san, * in the 20th year of Artaxerxes the king.”Nehemiah 2:1.

    Therefore the propercy begins in the month of Nisan (March/April)

    Propercy Begin March / April 455 BCE

    Arrival of jesus 29 CE (After 69 x 7 years)

    Death of Jesus March / April 33 CE - (This occurered after three and half years of jesus arrival)

    This event was happen in Nisan. how can this happen. Since the propercy begins Nisan (March / April), death of jusu should be happen in somewhere in September / october.

  • Phizzy

    Much has been written on the Book of Daniel, and on the 70 weeks prophecy, on here. I repost an extract from our revered former Poster Leolaia on this matter.

    " 1) This is not a prophecy of "when the Messiah would come", it is an oracle concerned with how long the Temple and the city of Jerusalem would remain in a state of disgrace (culminating with the desolation of the Temple described in the preceding chapter and in ch. 11),

    2) There isn't one "messiah" (anointed one, i.e. the high priest of the Temple) but two, with the first arriving at the beginning of the 62 weeks and with the second departing at the end of the 62 weeks,

    3) The oracle expands Jeremiah's original 70 years into 490 years on account of the sevenfold "curse" written in the Law of Moses, and the author starts the 490 years with the "word to restore and rebuild" Jerusalem; this indicates that the "word to restore and rebuild" was not sometime later than the putative time of writing (the first year of Darius the Mede) but prior to it, at the start of Jeremiah's seventy years,

    4) The "word to restore and rebuild" is in fact a near verbatim allusion to Jeremiah, which contained exactly such a promise by the "word of YHWH" and in v. 2 the author already refers to "the word of YHWH given to Jeremiah the prophet",

    5) It is thus not a novel prophecy that Jerusalem and its Temple would be restored but a repetition of Jeremiah's,

    6) The 360-day Jewish schematic calendar was fixed to equinoxes and solstices and thus did not lose 5 days a year as your computation requires,

    7) There is no reference to crucifixion per se in the oracle,

    8) the events you attribute to Titus correspond to the last half-week of the 70 weeks which does not fit into your chronological scheme unless one postpones the 70th week (a contrivance imposed on the text from interpretation),

    9) The Christian interpretation also ignores the exact correspondence between the "people of a coming ruler" in the seventy weeks oracle and the "forces of the king of the north" in ch. 11 (which relates to the historical actions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes), and

    10) the oracle was most likely written during the Maccabean period (not in 538 BC) as most commentators recognize."

  • AnnOMaly

    Propercy Begin March / April 455 BCE

    Also, the 20th year of Artaxerxes I was 445 BCE, not 455 BCE.

  • KateWild

    70wkofyrs, is the prophecy that got me in and right back out again. I put the Vassel Kingship nonsense from the Insight books on the shelf and enjoyed my new friends. It came off the shelf when I got DF'd and wrote my 4th letter to get RI'd, in Feb this year. Yehay I am free now.

    Love Kate xx

  • InChristAlone

    This is from Josh McDowell's book The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict pp. 199-200.

    "The decree [of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah] was given in 444 B.C. based on the following: 1) 'In the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes' (Neh. 2:1); 2) Artaxerxes ' accession was in 465 B.C.; 3) There is no date specified, so according to the Jewish custom the date is understood as the first day of the month, which would be Nisan 1, 444 B.C.; 4) March 5, 444 B.C. is our corresponding calendar date."

    It then quotes from a calculation made by Harold Hoehner in Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ p. 138

    "Multiplying the sixty-nine weeks by seven years for each week by 360 days gives a total of 173,880 days. The difference betweetn 444 B.C. and A.D. 33 then is 476 solar years. By multiplying 476 by 365.24219879 or by 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.975 seconds [there are 365 1/4 days in a year], one comes to 173,855 days, 6 hours, 52 minutes, 44 seconds or 173,855 days. This leaves only 25 days to be accounted for between 444 B.C. and A.D. 33. By adding the 25 days to March 5 (of 444 B.C.), one comes to March 30 (or A.D. 33) which was Nisan 10 in A.D. 33. This is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem."

    Of course I have my own questions about this, but it is an interesting take.

  • Londo111

    There is another interpretation that starts the 70 weeks in the 7th year of Artaxerxes, revolving around the events of Ezra 7.

  • AnnOMaly

    "The decree [of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah] was given in 444 B.C. based on the following: 1) 'In the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes' (Neh. 2:1); 2) Artaxerxes ' accession was in 465 B.C.

    Josh McDowell is a year out (I was surprised - I have that book and never noticed LOL). Artaxerxes I's accession was 465 BCE, Year 1 was 464 BCE and Year 20 was 445 BCE. It's astronomically fixed.

  • InChristAlone

    I saw that too. Curious as to why it was determined that way.

  • Phizzy

    So, if we do the JDub and other religion's calculation, a Messiah should have "appeared" around the year 37/38AD. (483 years from 445BC) .

    Jesus had been dead for 5 years by the JW reckoning, more than likely seven or eight years in a real reckoning.

    Could it be that this "prophecy" has nothing to do with Jesus, shock horror ?

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