The Predicated End Was 2000 Years Ago Part 1

by maccauk11 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • maccauk11

    1st in a series describing how all things were fulfilled in the 1st century

    Messiah told his 1st century faithful ones what was to occur in their generation, Christians today mistakingly replace the "you" inthe new testamant with "us". Meaning they mistakenly presume and have been pre conditioned to think it is some future event. Reason on this:

    SIGN 1

    The disciples would be arrested brought ot trial and be witnesses beofre govenors and kings. The Gospel will be preached in all the earth

    AD33 At Passover Messiah said he would send a helper to help,teach and remind them of everything he told them. Three days later he agian told his faithful ones he would send them what father had promised and they would receive power. Reppentence and forgiveness would be preached in his name to all nations. This was fulfilled they received the power ie Holy SPiirt and were witnesses of Messiah in Jerusalem , Samaria and to the ends of the earth it was fulfilled in the 1st century just as Messiah said it would. (luke 24:47,49 ) ROmans 1:8, ROmans 16:25-27, Acts 8:5, Colossans 1:23. The 1st century witnessing marked persecution and it continued throughout Pauls Missionary journey while hepreached the Gospel Acts 4:8,12,22-26, 2 corinth11:23-25

    AD 58 The Gospel had been made known and proclaimed throughout the earth and all creation under heaven (symbolic) ROmans 116:25-27, Col 1:23

  • dazed but not confused
  • EndofMysteries

    marking to see what you have to say. I've also reseached and still continue to as well on this topic. One thing that I noticed in the gospels is that Jesus was speaking of several different time periods but the way some are written it appears everything is jumbled together so people are mixing up what signs are what.

    For example in Matt 24:1,2 when his disciples show him the temple Jesus says that "Truly I say to you, by no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down". Then in vs 4 they say, "Tell us, when will these things be" (WHEN WILL THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM BE DESTROYED!), then they also ask when will be the sign of his precense and the conclusion of the system of things.

    So time period 1, the destruction of the temple, time period 2, his presence, and time period 3, the end.

    Yet the WT and many others just read that and take the entire chapter to be talking about "the end".

    When you read all the gospels you'll see distinctions between several of those time periods.

    After learning all of that, it becomes very obvious that when he said, "this generation will by no means pass away...." he was speaking about the destruction of the temple and guess what, it DID occur to that generation. When reading all the gospels you'll see him straight out say that as for "the end" nobody knows and it wouldn't be during a time when anybody would expect it and it would be sometime after the 'era of gentiles'.

  • maccauk11

    good work endofmysteries. I will also show how the Messiah returned in his Kingdom also in that generation. I ahve made over 200 videos on youtube my channel is seekchristonly , if you want to share anything please do

  • Crazyguy

    Im not sure if theres really a part 2 His presence. Most bibles say Coming or Arrival? And Jesus came back after his reserection and said that ALL power and authority was given to him and he would be with them until the conclusion, killing this perosia idea. Ephians 1:20-23 confirms he was king back then, and 1 Corth. chapter 15 confirms hes King while waiting for his father to put his enemies at his feet not after like the WT teaches, so this kills 1914. So there is alot of things that make the Peterist Idea have merit but there are also other things that seam to kill it, so still studying.

  • maccauk11

    I beleive there are no more types and shadows of what has occurred and acheived in that 1st century. All things fulfilled in that generation a one time only event. I notice WT is leaning towards preterism in their july issue confirming the fullfillment in the1st century but also claim a dual fulffillment in the future.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    While you research eschatology, one book I recommend is:

    "A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilisation", by Jonathan Kirsch.

    I suggest that in your research, you include the impact of Emperor Constantine: his acceptance of one form of Christianity as his religion affected Western civilisation even more than has the book of Revelation. Naturally, Emperor Athanasius' action in 381 CE is almost as important. If these guys had not acted in the way they did, you would not have this Christian eschatology to research.


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