comprehensive list of all internet resources required for thinking Jehovahs Witnesses to make an exit

by besty 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty
  • AudeSapere


    I tried to make it clickable and it looked like I was successful with hyperlink until i hit 'submt'. Then the link was broken.

    Oh well. I tried.


  • cofty

    Me too. I think its the apostrophe in the link that is being rejected.

    Try this without the apostrophe...

  • besty

    i tried to fix the hyperlink and was unable to do so - thanks cofty

    the point is exiting JW's will start with Google, and Google shows high quality content thats been around for a while - its all very well trying to change the world with activism and facebook groups etc - but really - is where its at...

    and for most people - the best thing they can do is be honest with their real identity and put their story on a site like freeminds or jwfacts and just let the internet do the rest.

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