Apostate Infiltrated December 2013 Kingdom Ministry

by MaybeSo 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MaybeSo

    On this week's KM:

    "A pioneer in Brazil tells people: “Why not findout more about the Bible’s contents? Many people are doing this with an open mind, with no obligation to any religious affiliation.You may be surprised by what you learn.”

    This pioneer is obviously been in JWN and passed his message under the Borg's eyes directly to the rest of the flock. Who would suggest such a thing, to study without any obligation to any religious afiiliation? Don't they know you need the Watchtower to find out more about the Bible? Wait... maybe they do and that's why this pioneer brother said you'll be surprised by what you learn.

  • John_Mann

    They do not consider themselves as a religion. They're the Universal Truth. They're above all religions, laws and sciences.

    To a JW religious affiliation equals to tithing.

  • outsmartthesystem

    This is not surprising. There is a WT quote from over 30 years ago saying the same thing. The borg expects individual witnesses to apply this type of reasoning when talking to "worldly" people......but to never apply it to themselves. I actually asked a witness one time why such reasoning is expected of ones we meet in the ministry, yet at the same time......never applied by us. I said "isn't that a bit of a double standard?". He looked at me as if I was crazy. And he calmly explained that since WE have THE TRUTH......there is no need to apply such open minded thinking to ourselves. It is others that do NOT have THE TRUTH that sorely need to have their eyes opened! In fact.....such open mindedness could be a trap for a witness that may allow Satan to plant seeds of doubt!

    There is no need to open your mind when you think you are 100% correct. Conversely you should EXPECT others to open their minds because they are 100% wrong!

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