Wait!wait! But I DO want people to have a merry Christmas!

by stillin 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    Why wouldn't I? Is it really sharing in their wicked ways to bid people well wishes on their holiday? I mean, I'm not doing Christmas myself, but if they want to have it, what's wrong with saying "enjoy!"

    Witnesses extend best wishes to newlywed pagans all of the time, even though they know that the marriage is a godless, heathen, false-worship-filled union of sex-driven materialistic people. So why not extend best wishes for a happy holiday season?

    oh yeah. It's a cult. I forgot.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • wearewatchingyouman

    LMAO! I need that sweater!

  • Deus.ex.Machina

    I was thinking the same thing.

    My mother was talking to my JW aunt regarding two experiences: a woman showing off some handmade Santa earrings and a cashier wishing her a Merry Christmas. On both occasions she was proud to report to my aunt her cold and rude response to both people and added that she wanted to tell the cashier to keep her damn Merry Christmas to herself.

    She honestly thinks she is bringing honor to Jehovah by being snobbish with strangers who probably have innocent intentions and then by further belittling them in private. To me she just sounds rabid and mentally ill. I know it's cliché to say your parents are crazy, but I think her out-of-proportion reactions and vicious comments are a sign of deeper problems.

    Often I genuinely hate being around both my parents during the holidays. They both give a fine witness to the judgmental and unwelcoming nature of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • SAHS

    “. . . she was proud to report to my aunt her cold and rude response . . . She honestly thinks she is bringing honor to Jehovah by being snobbish with strangers who probably have innocent intentions and then by further belittling them in private.”

    The holiday season should be a time of joy and love, regardless of one’s religious, political, ethnic, or social affiliation or status. And, of course, the way to make it a time of joy and love is to express to others sentiments which are joyful and loving. Everyone has their own style and manner of expression, but it never does any good to anyone – including the one speaking as well as the one listening – to promote bad feelings. The holiday season may mean different things to different folks, considering their own beliefs and background, but, regardless of any of that, it should be a time of sharing joy and love – I mean, it can’t hurt, can it? After all, like it is said, “Love never fails.” Perhaps your mother should take a little peak at that expression in 1 Corinthians 13:8 for a little refresher.

  • clarity

    Deus ...hi there welcome to a great place &

    Merry Christmas to you!


  • Deus.ex.Machina

    Thanks for the welcome, clarity. I hope you're having a great Christmas as well.

    SAHS, that would mean granting unconditional love to everyone, not just fellow JWs. Per my mother's black and white understanding definition of love (and pretty much everything else), that love simply isn't deserved.

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