Presents at grandmas, why jehovah hates it etc

by DS211 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DS211

    Well we just got back from grandmas and the girls my wife and i all got presents. My daughter was ripping through them like a madgirl and automatically my wife is like "shes being greedy"....i stood and said "no shes excited she never gets wrapped presents". She agreed. Anyways while i was there i thought "why in the hell would God hate a holiday that brings families together, promotes generosity, and makes people just feel good. Granted there are some that ruin it with greed and commercialism...but you can say the same tuing about the Bible. Instead i feel that JWs think its wrong only because their parents think its evil and their parents befire...and i realized if you can convince someone that something is wrong, and have them pass it on to their kids and so wonder JWs think its wrong. I could teach my kids hacki sack or eating healthy is wrong and after a while theyd believe it lol.

    ok rant over.

  • BU2B

    Sometimes we all need to rant DS. You hear over and over how the holidays are often one of the biggest obstacles people overcome in becoming JWs. I think this is because it is often the only time everyone can get off work and school and b together. Upon becoming JW they know that the family bond will be severly damaged, and it is most of the time.

    Thanks for sharing my man.. Hang in there please.. We will make it through.

  • garyneal

    There was a time when I seriously considered becoming a Jehovah's Witness and I asked my mother how she would feel if I were to do so. Knowing that it would mean that I would not be spending Christmases with them, I was concerned how that would affect my relationship with them. She said she would miss having us for the holidays but she would be okay with it. She said that she has cousins who are witnesses so she was familiar with it somewhat. It was reassuring to know that she would not be upset about it and would still accept it and me.

    I knew before I decided to "take that plunge," I needed to make sure this really was the one true religion. Well, needless to say, I never became a witness.

    How anyone can get roped in the religion giving all the information that is out there is beyond me.

  • DS211

    You know looking back i remember how i was roped in...i was in school my girlfriend (now wife) and i just had a baby, were studying, and we never really had the chance to do real research. The witness we studied with was gung ho and at first it was convincing. My wife and i were going through a tough time and hard pressr for money and all that. He somehow convinced us to marry at the courthouse, toss out 300 dollars in books and movies and then a year later get baptised. so its true that the emotionally, physically, mentally vulnerable people are perfect picks to reel in.


    God wants you to honor him every day for eternity. Imagine telling your child they have to start each day by telling you how awesome you are and praise you all day to everyone they see. Then imagine that happening forever. I would call you one weird and insecure parent. From a JW perspective, GOD is like ancient Greek Gods. He must have your constant praise and adoration to function, therefore you should not be honoring a human with presents. B-days, Mother's day, Father's day, Boss's day, they all honor humans. That is wrong. You can only honor JEHOVAH..umm and the GB/FDS.

  • DS211

    Lol nice DD...i was actually just thnking the same thing. Why does he have to prove satan wrong? Kill the bloke lol.

    but really where in the Bible does it say good hearted people will be killed because they didnt follow the one true org?

  • blondie

    GOD is like ancient Greek Gods. He must have your constant praise and adoration to function, therefore you should not be honoring a human with presents. B-days, Mother's day, Father's day, Boss's day, they all honor humans. That is wrong. You can only honor JEHOVAH..umm and the GB/FDS.

  • blondie

    "GOD is like ancient Greek Gods. He must have your constant praise and adoration to function, therefore you should not be honoring a human with presents."

    Steady there Blondie, unlike the Hebrew desert god - the Greek and Roman god's were real - all 300 of them!

    I have Caesars word on it.

  • Xanthippe

    'Jehovah' hates anything that makes us feel part of normal human society. The sooner people can be separated from their family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours the sooner they are in the clutches of a cult. Then there is no easy way to leave because everyone they know has been driven away or else made to feel that they are not good enough.

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