Does God read Shakespeare? "to be or not to be, that is THE QUESTION?--"

by prologos 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prologos

    other equally flippant questions on the subject:

    "who created the creator?"

    "who designed the designer?"

    "who caused the first cause"

    "who primed the prime mover"

    "if god is so great, can he make stone so big, its impossible for him to move it?"

    all these questions might be invalid on logic definition reasons but:

    all these proposals involve a sequence, a movement through time. but:

    It has been said again and again here, that "there was no time before the beginning", "-- no time before Einstein's SPACETIME--". so:

    if there was no time, or MOVEMENT through time before the Move into the beginning effect,the big bang,

    there can not be a prior Cause, no need to have a prior creator, no designer that anteceded the current designer,

    no time to decide wether to be or not,

    Is the existence of us not enough of an answer? because

    we are?

  • cookiemaster

    I don't know if you're familiar with Terminator but I've always regarded this question similarly to the John Connor paradox. The leader of the human resistance, John Connor, sends a soldier named Kyle Reese to 1986 to save Sarah Connor. Sarah Connor has sex with Kyle Reese and gives birth to John Connor in 1986. He grows up to be the leader of the human resistance and send Kyle Reese (his father) back to 1986 to save his mother and impregnate her. So in a way John Connor is like god, he has no beggining because he himself is the cause of his beggining. These are the kind of paradoxes that time travel creates but can also be applied to the concept of god.

  • prologos

    what I meant in the title is "has god decided if he wants to exist or not?" show himself apart from works?

    cookiemaster. I have not read science fiction (or watched the films) since the 30s, but there can be no such thing as TIME TRAVEL into the past, of course we go forward into the future all the time.

    my opinion being, if there is no MOVEMENT through time BEFORE the beginning of the universe and it's spacetime, there can be no sequence, no cause of an effect, and the cause of the universe can not have a further prior cause.

    Into that primary cause you can insert the entity of your choice: vaccuum fluctuation, god, the enrgy from a previous crunch,---

    The only thing that is left of the past is the fossils, of dinos---, light, streaming away.

    there can be no cascading of causes,

    no kicking of the can down the road, if there is no* time.


  • prologos

    Question No. 5 from the 1030s.

    if there would be a god and

    "If God is all powerfull, can he make a stone so big-- that later he can not move it?

    YES HE CAN!!

    but why would he?

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