Our first Christmas/Boxing Day/Grand Market!!! Thanks Guys

by confusedandalone 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedandalone

    Tonight we celebrate our first Christmas as a family!!! We have to do so early because tomorrow evening we are off to my Jamaica for 2 and half weeks! When we get there we will celebrate Boxing Day and then attend a fumky event called Grad AMarket which is a more local celebration! So thank you all for your wonderful support this year and also good ideas for Christmas celebrations etc...

    1. Hot Cocoa by fireplace

    2. Watch some boring Christmas movie

    3. Present time for the kiddies

    I WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Here are a few pictures of our finished tree. Hoping to post some more when we get back

  • snare&racket

    Awesome xxxx make the most of it and value your time together outisde of the cult x

  • cofty

    Have a great christmas!

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Merry Christmas CAA, love your tree! We've celebrated an early Christmas as well, b/c my son came over to Spain this week for just a couple of days.

    Have a wonderful Christmas in Jamaica!

  • quellycatface

    So glad you are going to enjoy your first Christmas together. Loved the pics of your tree. I love all that tinsel, glitter and sparkles.

    This is my first Christmas since 1999, I got baptised the following year.

    We were making up some "alternative" lyrics to Christmas Carols, with the JW's the brunt of our humour. Bit childish, I know!! Has anyone got any funny songs, carols or rhymes to share??

    I am also VERY grateful that I saw the light and got the hell out of that place before Christmas. Otherwise, I would have to have waited another year to celebrate!!!

    Peace and lo9ve to you all. X

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